Shopping and 500 Days Of Summer

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She woke clutching onto the a weird pink squid like stuffed animal. She blinked rapidly and dropped the animal on the ground. 

“Nooo! Not squidgy!” screamed Alan, diving on the ground to save the gigantic thing. She sat up and winced in pain. 

“Ow, my head hurts.” she complained. 

“You passed out.” Alan said from the ground. She scratched at her head and closed her eyes again. She stood and wobbled a bit, her head spinning still. The door opened and Austin walked in looking a bit put out, but when he saw Sienna, his face instantly brightened. 

“Si! I’m glad you’re up! How are you feeling?” 

“I’m okay.” she answered. Austin nodded. 

“So I was thinking we could have a big movie night to welcome All Time Low,” Austin started, but  Sienna stopped him by holding up a finger. 

“All Time Low?” 

“Yeah, those guys you were listening to on your old iPod.” Austin explained. “I was thinking we could use the projector and use a big sheet. We could hook up the sound and all watch a movie. It’ll be awesome! A BBQ, a movie, bonfire, maybe-” 

“Why is All Time Low coming?” Asked Phil, emerging from the back lounge. “Aren’t we filled up with the performances?” 

Austin was silent for a moment until he answered, “Sleeping With Sirens are leaving. Jesse parted with the band, so they decided to use this time to find a new guitarist instead.” 

Sienna couldn’t help but feel relieved because if SWS was gone, that meant Sam was gone too. Speaking of Sam-

“Austin?” She breathed. Her father looked down at her, his eyebrows arched a bit with concern. “What are we going to do about my number? Sam has it.” 

Austin looked visibly put out. He looked like someone took a jackhammer and shoved it halfway down his throat. 

“We’ll have to get your number changed when we get off tour. But, that’s in two months. for now, we’‘ll have to deal with it. And if he releases your number, we’ll get you a 'go-phone’.” He looked absolutely bitter, but Sienna only nodded. Austin gave her a small smile and then he turned to Alan and Phil. “Find a movie! Pick out something that everyone will like!” 

Phil mumbled something under his breath, but Alan squealed. “500 Days of-” 

“NO!” shouted Austin, Phil, Aaron, and Tino in unison. Sienna laughed at the expression Alan made.  

“Why not?” He pouted. Phil laughed, shaking his head. 

“You know everything about that movie.” 

“I do not!” Alan argued. Aaron raised his eyebrow. 

“Yeah? What’s the main character’s name?” 

“The girl or the boy?” Alan asked, seriously. Aaron snorted. 

“The girl.” 

“In real life or in the movie?” 

“Christ’s sake, Alan! No!” Tino groaned. “We’re not watching 500 Days of Summer!” Alan pouted. 


Finally, settling on the movie Haunted House, Austin offered to take Sienna shopping. He explained that he needed to stop at the Wallgreens, Liquor Store, and the Grocery Store. Since Sienna was 14, she couldn’t go in the liquor store, seeing how she was underaged. She didn’t mind it though. She remembered all of the stories her mother told her about adults who depended on alcohol to function like normal. It made her sad and uncomfortable to think about the unfortunate adults. 

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