Girlfriends Aren't Always Bad

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"There's really nothing we can do, Austin." Alan said softly. They were all sitting in the hotel suite, Sienna sleeping in one of the bedrooms. They decided to stay in a hotel right on the slight outskirts of New York City. The girls had already left and the only ones who remained were BMTH, YMAS, and the rest of OMAM, along with Ivy and Hannah, who opted to stay with Oliver until the tour was over (seeing how Sienna really only spoke to Hannah about things that bothered her). "We use have to wait for her to open up to us about what happened." 

"We can't just wait, though!" Austin snapped, his mouth still throbbing from when Sienna had punched him in the face two days ago. "We can't! There's some dirt bag out there who did God knows what to Sienna, and-" he broke off, completely disgusted in what could have happened. 

Aaron fumbled with his phone, trying to avoid eye contact with Austin. "Well-I mean…she has to tell us what happened." Aaron said plainly. 

"No shit." Austin said angrily. 

"No, I mean, she has to tell us what happened." Aaron snapped. "We can't force it out of her." 


"Austin, shut the hell up and listen to me, okay?" Tino said, standing in front of Austin. "You cannot force Sienna to tell you what happened and who did it to her. What happened to her is traumatizing to her and she's so strong, but she can only take so much." Tino rubbed his forehead and played with the tape that he had around his jammed fingers. It was very apparent that his confidence had now disappeared. "She's just a kid." 

"I know she's just a kid." Austin said quietly, his eyes on his knees. "I just can't even imagine-" 

"Well, it did happen." Alan said quietly. "And there's nothing we can do to change that." Austin was about to say something when he heard his daughter scream. Austin shot up from the couch and bolted to the bedroom. He ripped open the door and was shocked to see all the light in the room. He had assumed Sienna would have had the lights off when she slept, but she had every single light on. 

She was sobbing in the bed, the covers drawn around her and the blankets twisted around her ankles. She still wore Alan's sweater. It was something that she refused to take off. At the moment, it was draped off her shoulder. 

"Sienna," Austin whispered, walking to the bed. Sienna was shaking so badly that when Austin got closer, he could see the bed frame was shaking as well. "Baby, are you-" 

"Get away from me." Sienna said coldly. "I need to be alone." 

Her body was still shaking, but all signs of crying was gone. Austin cleared his throat. 

"Si, you know I can't do that-" 

"Yes, you fucking can!" Sienna screamed, her face lifting from her arms. Her eyes were red and puffy and her whole face was flushed. She looked-well-terrible. It killed him to see his daughter this way. There was really nothing Austin could do, but watch as she soaked in her misery. "You did it for the first fourteen years of my life! I don't need you! Get away from me right this fucking minute or I'll fucking kill you!" 

That was a low blow. Austin bit his tongue and breathed in heavily. "I'm sorry-I-I love you." Austin said gently. Sienna didn't respond. She only shoved her face back in her arms and started to cry again, a jumbled mix of 'go away's and 'leave me alone's filling the awkward silence. 

Austin slowly backed out of the room and was greeted with everyone's questioning looks. 

"…she didn't mean it, Austin." Ivy murmured. "She's not thinking straight." 

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