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After properly giving Tino a very unwanted ice bath, Sienna walked around with Lee, Oli, Alan and Chewy (Chris), trying to find a good tattoo parlor for Oli's latest installment on his sleeve. Last time Sienna didn't get to see her father get his tattoo and she wanted to see what it was like. Austin asked her if it was okay if he had a small date with Alexis, and she honestly didn't mind.

"Oh!" Oli pointed at a shop. "That one looks nice!"

"Let's check it out." Lee suggested, stepping towards the shop. Sienna followed them, rubbing her neck. Lee opened the door and the them filed in.

Oli smirked while walking up to the front desk. He winked at the girl who was swooning already and asked for a book of one of the artists. He waved Sienna over and she did as was asked of her, standing next to Oliver.
He pointed to a picture and smiled at her. "Do you think this artists is good?"

Sienna was amazed. This man's art was flawless. The colors, the patterns, the people, flowers, everything was amazing about it. Sienna nodded at Oli and Oli smirked.

"Hmm. Let's see...let me look at...what's her name...Jessica's art?"

The woman at the desk handed Oli another binder and Oli flipped through the binder, showing some pictures to Sienna. Sienna's eyes widened. If she thought the other artist was good, this one was better, surprisingly. She was speechless and Oliver's grin widened.

"Now this." Oli chuckled. "This is what I want." He looked at her for confirmation and she nodded back at him, excited. Oli grinned and his tongue pressed against his teeth. "When's the next time Jessica is open?"

"She uh...she's finishing up a tattoo now, and she'll be open for walk ins." the woman explained. "So, I suggest maybe gettin a coffee or something, and then coming back here."

Oli looked over at the others who were looking around the shop as well, then nodded. "We'll go grab some lunch. We'll be back."

"Do you want me to sign you for a time, then?"

"Sure." He grinned and nodded. "Under Oli Sykes. I'll be back soon. Thank you."

Sienna followed Oli out of the parlor and the others followed them.

"What sounds tasty?" Lee asked.

Chewy pointed at some restaurant and they walked to the place, seeing it was a deli and coffee shop. Sienna ordered food along with the others and soon found herself sitting next to Alan as they chowed down. Alan smiled and nudged her as the others were lost in their own conversations.

"Nope." Sienna explained as sassily as she could manage. "Not speaking to you until you give me back my phone." Alan rolled his eyes and scowled at me.

"Fine, fine. Here." he dug around his his pocket and brandished the phone, smirking at her. Sienna snatched it back and put it in her pocket, not really caring what Alan had done to her phone, just happy to have it back.
"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" she asked, turning back to Alan. The ginger haired boy grinned.

"I was just wondering how you were doing." Alan said innocently as he took a sip form his coffee. Sienna shrugged, raising her eyebrow.

"Good, I guess." She waited until Alan gave her 'that look' and she sighed loudly. "Fine. I miss Noah. Like...really badly. But I know he has more to worry about than me right now." Alan looked a bit sad, but Sienna bit her lip. "Anyway, I heard your girlfriend is coming to next week's show."

"Oh yeah!" Alan brightened. "Everyone's girl is coming. It's like a party. It's gone be great. I want you to meet Maddie. She really likes you already."

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя