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So sorry for the lack of updates. I love you still. Thank you for believing in me and not giving up on me. Follow me on Instagram, guise! I want to have an Internet friend. Maybe like...twenty Internet buddies. :3 please. My Instagram username is @beanie146. And yes, I'm an Instagram whore. I take after Señor Franceschi like that...

I made up a shit load of fake usernames, so they don't exist and if they do, I'm sorry in advance. :)


Alan decided not to tell Austin about Sienna's fainting, or the reason why, but he held onto her phone, confiscating it and hiding it in his back pocket.

Alan had tried to wake her up, but she didn't become conscious, but she was breathing, so he just placed her in her designated bunk with shaky hands and left her a bottle of water for when she woke. As he walked down the steps, he saw Noah walking back onto the bus, looking flustered and annoyed.

"Where's Si?" Noah asked, his eyes closing a little.

"Oh, she uh..." Alan thought up a realistic lie, which he was good at...except for when he was drunk-but wasn't that the same for everyone? "...she thinks she might be sick, so she decided to sleep to hope that it would go away in the morning." Alan said quickly. "Who was on the phone?"

"Oh." Noah's frown appeared on his face. "My brother."

Alan felt like he should ask Noah what his brother wanted, but something also told him that the boy didn't want to talk about it, so Alan waited for Noah to start talking. "He said I needed to come home right away."

"Why?" Alan couldn't help the three letter word, but Noah didn't seem annoyed by it.

"Because my stupid parents want custody rights over me for fame." Noah spat angrily, his eyebrows drawing together. "They think by ripping brothers apart, they can attract the attention to their stupid life...maybe get some money out of it...maybe even some followers on twitter."

Alan knew Noah was being sarcastic, but just watching this sixteen year old boy talk about his parents like that, or by talking about his future like that made Alan feel slightly awkward about the whole thing. So, all he could say was: I'm sorry.

Noah shrugged and bit his lip. "I'm gonna pack."

"Okay." Alan said numbly, thankful that Noah was still downstairs and not upstairs so he wouldn't be tempted to check on Sienna.

Once Noah disappeared in the lower bunk area, Alan ran up the stairs to grab his phone to call his girlfriend. He needed her opinion on what he should do with Sienna. Honestly, Avery did that to her, and now Noah was leaving her? Not to mention she was kissing Noah when he found her. From the way that they were kissing, Alan could tell that Sienna let her ever-present guard down. Noah's leaving would kill her.

Alan clicked on his girlfriend's name with the emoji heart on it and pressed his phone to his ear, listening to it ring.

When she picked up, she sounded so sleepy that Alan felt guilt wash over him. He remembered Maddie explained when they had talked earlier that she had woken up at 3am from a killer headache and cramps (honestly, Maddie's menstrual cycle didn't faze him or gross him out. He was mature...kind of) and she didn't go back to sleep until she got home from work. She had to work a double shift that day too, so she didn't get home until 10pm, meaning she was up for a grand total of 19 hours, running on only 5 hours of sleep.

Alan swallowed hard and apologized, but Maddie laughed.

"It's fine, babe. You didn't wake me up." Maddie sighed.

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora