Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

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Although he was reluctant to let Sienna out of his sight, he made Jack and Alex watch her like a hawk. As usual, Austin and his band played their set, Tino tossing his sticks to the crowd, Alan, Aaron, and Phil handing their picks off. 

Austin smiled at the Pieter who was standing in the crowd, smiling up at him, sweaty and gross. 

"Pull him up here-" Austin nodded, gesturing to the security to Pieter. They grasped his arms and pulled him over the barrier. Austin walked to the edge of the stage and helped him up. The crowd went wild, but Austin only waved at the rest of them, letting Pieter follow. 

Pieter was shaken up and sweaty but Austin didn't care. This was the guy who helped his little girl when she was in trouble. He kissed Sienna on her head and they all trudged up some steps to the dressing rooms. 

Finally, he slumped on a couch next to his other sweaty friends, Pierce the Veil and All Time Low. Adam Elkamis snapped some photos before running out to take some of the fans. 

"Thanks for everything, man." Austin said, slapping Pieter on the back. "You're a great dude." 

"Yeah, sure." Pieter said, smiling. "Erm, this is gonna sound really stupid, but...can I take a picture with you guys? All of you guys?" 

Austin smiled, that warm feeling in his stomach heating up. He loved meeting fans. "Yeah. Lets all like...stand here." Austin nodded to the wall. The three bands situated themselves all being visible around Pieter. Matt took the phone and snapped a picture of them after they all said cheese, Vic and Jaime shouting 'taco'. 

"Thanks, dude. This is sick." Pieter said, taking the phone back. 

"Yeah, any time. I have your number right?" Austin asked. Pieter nodded, enthused. "Sweet. Maybe when we're in town, we can hang out again?"

"Yeah." Pieter chuckled. "Thanks." Pieter excuse himself after explaining that he had to go home to his little sister. Austin smiled after him, thankful that Pieter was there for his daughter when Austin couldn't be. 

Speaking of Sienna-

Austin glanced down at Sienna who was curled up on the couch, her head resting on Alan's thigh. Alan's head was lolled back to the side, sleeping as well. Sienna was physically and mentally drained, Alan, just lazy. 

Austin smirked and woke Alan softly, careful not to wake Sienna. Alan woke with a snort and grinned when he saw Sienna. 

"Awe!" He said happily. "She's so cute!" 

"Move, Alan. I'm gonna bring her back to the bus." Austin said, nodding a bit to the right. 

Alan reluctantly stood lifting Sienna's head up a little bit and then setting it back down on the couch. 

She made a soft mewling sound and stretched out before curling up again, sleeping soundly. 

Austin held in a girly giggle and carefully lifted her, pulling Jack's jacket over her body. 

"Austin, you coming out to the bar with us?" Alex asked, hopefully. Austin pondered on the thought of going to the bar with his bandmates and friends. He hasn't been out for a good drink for a while now, but he now had a responsibility. And that was to be a father. 

"Mmmmdmdnsnskunkstinkymdmjxjd-" Sienna mumbled, contracting into a tighter ball in his arms. Austin's smile got bigger. 

"Ah, I think I'll stay in with Sienna." Austin admitted. "I kinda wanna chill and take a shower. Maybe watch a movie." 

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ