Fast Car

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Austin glanced over at Alex, his hands tightening on Alex's bag. He offered to hold her camera bag for her. She was currently staring out the window, her mouth moving to the music she was listening to. Austin grinned and picked up an earbud, listening in. 

See, my old man's got a problem, he lives with the bottle, that's the way it is, he says his body's too old for working, I say his body's too young to be looking like his, my momma went off and left him, she wanted more to life than he could give, I said 'Somebody's gotta take care of him', so I quit school, that's what I did-

The music paused and Austin looked up to see Alex staring back at him, blushing. "Sorry, I can change it if you don't like it." 

Austin shook his head, grinning. "No, no. I like this song! Who is it?" 

Alex blushed and ran her fingers through her brown hair. "Tracy Chapman." 

"Wait, a girl? This is a girl?" Austin asked, pointing to the iPhone. Alexis nodded, laughing. 

"Yeah. Do you want to hear more?" 

"Hell yeah!" Austin cheered, and Alex pressed play. 

You gotta fast car, is it fast enough that we can fly away? We gotta make a decision. Leave tonight or live and die this way

Alex glanced out the window nervously, but Austin was entranced. She was so pretty. He was sure that she listened to more than just Tracy Chapman. Actually, Danny said that when he caught up to her, her earbuds were blaring some loud band. She must listen to a wide range of music then, and that was an instant turn on for Austin. 

See I remember, I remember we were driving, driving in your car, speeds so fast; felt like I was drunk, the city lights lay out before us and your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder, and I…had a feeling that I belonged, and I…had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone-

Austin's head snapped up when he realized the taxi had stopped and the man was staring at him from the rearview mirror. 

"You pay me now?" The man with poor english asked. Alex and Austin giggled silently, and Austin nodded, pulling his wallet from his pocket as Alex got out of the car, seeing the other taxis pulling up with the other band members. 

"Here." Austin said curtly, grabbing Alex's camera case and doing a last sweep in the car as Alex pulled her things from the trunk. 

"You and your girlfriend have good day." The man said, speeding off, making Austin almost shout back: She's not my girlfriend!

Oh, how he wished that could be. But, he only met her yesterday. He'll have the rest of tour to get to know, and fall in love with Alexandria. 




Austin arrived back on the bus with Alex, who was holding a gigantic bag, a grin on her face. Sienna's eyes widened and her mouth hung open a little bit. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sienna mumbled. Josh glanced down at her, confused. 

"Are you okay?" Josh whispered down to her. Sienna shook her head quickly and nodded to Alexis. "Oh. I see. Well, maybe there's an explanation to this-" 

"This doesn't make me want to stay any more." Sienna grumped, stretching her legs. Austin grinned at Sienna and opened his arm up as if to present Alex. 

"This is Alexandria. She's gonna be staying with us for the remainder of tour." Austin said, his hand falling on Alex's shoulder. "Okay?" 

Sienna rolled her eyes and trudged off to the back lounge where Oli and the other BMTH boys were playing FIFA. She heard Austin about to go after her, but Josh probably stopped him. Oli's eyes flicked to her when she walked in and he waved gently. "'ello, Birdy."

"Hi." She mumbled. Oli handed off his controller to Matt Kean who was next in line for playing games and shifted around so he could face Sienna. 

"What's wrong?" He breathed, his hazel like eyes squinting at her. Sienna shrugged and rubbed her arms. 

"Nothing. I just-I feel like I shouldn't be here. You know?" Sienna shook her head before Oli could interrupt her and sighed. "I've been thinking about this for a while. I just want to go home. Relax. Be away from the spotlight. I just want to be by myself." 

Oli heaved a heavy sigh and rubbed his temples. "I understand that you want to be alone. I've wanted to be alone before too. I tried to be around people, but I couldn't handle it. It did more harm than good." Oli nodded, agreeing with himself. "Also, if you change your mind, it's easy to fly you back out. We have enough money for five extra tickets incase of emergencies." Oli grinned. "So, if you need to, I can talk to Austin about it. But I'd really like it if you could try to stay." 

Sienna smiled grimly at him. "I've been trying for too long." 

Oli nodded and gave her a small side hug. 

"Sienna?" asked Austin's voice. Sienna glanced up mid smile, and it instantly faded into a frown. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" 

Sienna nodded and followed her father out of the lounge, her eyes rolling. Austin grinned and gestured to the kitchenette which was now completely vacant. 

"So, I wanted to talk to you about something that's been brought to my attention." Austin said, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Josh said that you wanted to go home-" 

"Yes." Sienna blurted out. "I do." 

Austin looked hurt and confused as he cocked an eyebrow at her. "Why? 

"Because-" Sienna broke off and closed her eyes. "I just don't want to-it's too much right now. I can't do this." 

Austin sucked on his lip and put his hand on her shoulder. "I don't want you to go home, though. Is it because Alex is here?" 

"No, no." Sienna muttered, her eyes widening. "Well, no, not entirely." 

Austin crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "Okay, then what is it?" 

"It's nothing you can fix." Sienna sighed. "I just need some time to calm down. Oli said that if I change my mind, I can fly out with a spare ticket." 

"Yeah, but still, I don't know if you should be alone." Austin bit the inside of his lip. "Considering that you, uh, you hurt yourself-" 

"Well, being here certainly doesn't make me feel that hot either." Sienna mumbled. Austin's brow furrowed and his eyes widened slightly. 

"Are you saying that you'd hurt yourself if you stayed here?" 

Sienna's eyes fell to the floor and they welled with tears. Austin was silent for a moment before sighing heavily. "I want you to call every single night. I don't care if you're too tired, or if you're not 'feeling' it." 

Sienna's eyes brightened and her smile grew wide. "Are you serious?" 

"I'm not done." Austin said sourly. "I'm having Vic check up on you every now and then. And don't be surprised if my dad will make a sudden appearance to see you. Also, if you want to come back, I expect you to say so immediately. No boys, no parties, and absolutely no drugs." 

Sienna nodded rapidly, feeling absolutely ecstatic. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Sienna hugged Austin around the waist and Austin stiffened, patting her on the back. 

"Of course. Promise you'll do as I say?" 

Sienna nodded again and Austin sighed heavily. "Okay. Go pack up, I guess." 

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