Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright

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"How bad?" he asked, his voice sounding so foreign from not speaking for a while. Jack looked weary even though it was only 10:30 at night.

"Not that bad. He took the brace of the crash and protected Sienna from getting hurt, so he got the full force of it...but that can also be bad, because...yeah. Well, he's concussed...and he's not supposed to be playing because he sprained his wrist and his ankle. He's looking a bit worse than he actually is though." Jack nodded along while speaking. For some reason, Austin felt that he was nodding to assure himself that it was going to be okay.

"How about you?" Flyzik asked, his arms crossing over his chest. "I've gotta make sure that everyone else is okay, or we'll have to cancel the shows."

"M'fine." Austin muttered. "I have a slight headache, but it's okay. I think...I might have a concussion too. My head rammed into the wall, and I'm pretty sure there's a dent in it. But I have to wait to be checked out by the doc, 'cause Tino's in there getting his nose rearranged." Austin shuddered visibly. Matt smirked.

"Okay, well, keep me updated. The Pierce dudes and ADTR are freaking out and pestering me if you guys are okay." And with that, Flyzik went to go talk to Jack, who was still looking shaken up.

"Well, I'm glad we've got minor injuries." Alan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Austin nodded along with Alan agreeing with him. "How's Sienna?"

Austin shrugged, his vision still a bit hazy. "I dunno. She's shaken up from the crash. She feels guilty because Alex basically got hurt for her. She was with Phil and Max last time I saw her." Austin shook his head gently. "How are you?"

Alan held up his hand that was wrapped in a small cast, mainly wrapping around his pinky and ring finger. "Broke 'em. But they should be fine. I can still play, I think. It's my strumming hand, so I'll be fine. Phil and I will just have to work out some things and we can still pull off a show." Alan bit his lip. "Can you still perform?"

"Yeah." Austin sighed. "I think so."

"What's the verdict of everyone?" Alan pestered, rubbing his arms uncomfortably.

"Alex is going to be okay. Jack is okay. Zack is okay. Rian is a little sore, but other than that, fine. The bus driver is okay, Aaron and Phil are fine. We're all okay." Austin sighed, relaxing against the wall. "Thank god for that."

"Yeah." Jack mumbled, mussing his hair. "Why did the driver crash anyway?"

"He was avoiding a deer." Aaron, who was eavesdropping, supplied. "He didn't see that the deer was being followed by another and he hit the second deer and slammed into the guard rail."

"Christ." Austin covered his mouth. "Did the deer die?"


"A replacement bus is here." said Flyzik, walking back into the room, tucking his phone away in his pocket. "So...where's Sienna?"

"She's with Max and Rian." Austin sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Well, if everyone is all set here, we can move out to the new bus. I think Sienna was going to stay on the bus with ADTR and PTV because of the lack of space. We can barely fit all nine of you guys on the replacement bus. I'll be sleeping on the floor. Three people have to sleep on the couch, and one person will have to share a bunk with equipment."

Austin nodded. "Let me go say bye to her then."

Austin didn't wait for anyone to stop him, he merely stepped out of the ER and walked down the paved road to where PTV's bus was pulling in along with the replacement bus. Vic was the first one to barrel off of the bus, looking worriedly about. He saw Austin first and strode quickly towards him.

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