Purified (Friskyhands)

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I decided to update this a bit earlier than I was gonna, I hope everyone enjoys.
Austin's PoV
Austin really would have preferred that Sienna settled in and met his band mates later, but there wasn't enough time seeing as they left for tour the following day. Normally they'd all be spending the last day at home with their girlfriends, so they would only be staying for a few hours before going back to them. Aaron was the worst with saying goodbye, it was kind of hard to watch. He hoped he never had to do that with Sienna, already he was forming an attachment, he hoped she felt the same. If he had it his way tour would start in another week so they'd have time to get to know each other.
Sienna. It was weird, he hadn't really imagine her having a personality, so he was a bit shocked to learn she actually had one. She was very subdued at the moment, her thoughts seemed to be distracted a lot, probably remembering random little things about her Mom. He knew the feeling. Sienna was very reluctant when buy things or taking money, but when she explained to him why he understood. It's always hard going from being able to afford nothing to being able to afford anything. There were points in his career when he was completely broke, and for weeks after he got himself up again he would be careful where he spent his money. He should probably give Sienna some sort of pocket money, maybe in a few weeks.
He absentmindedly flicked through the channels, stopping on Family Guy. Stupid show, but distracting enough. Sienna was upstairs, he told her she shouldn't bother unpacking because they'd be leaving soon anyway, instead he left her with two suitcases, telling her that the band was going to be here around 7. It was only 6 at the moment.
Sienna's PoV
Sienna carefully took the new iPhone out of its box. The thing was shiny, she should probably get a screen protector and a case for it, but at the moment she just wanted to sleep. She could feel something building up in her chest, but she only ignored it, Sienna has been down that path before and she didn't want a repeat so early into her new life. Next she pulled the charger into the wall and set the phone on the bed.
The bags of clothing had been dumped on her bed, between them they only needed one trip loaded with bags up the stairs. She grabbed the one closest to her and pulled out one of the tops. All the things she had bought weren't the normal things she would wear. Even though they were probably 10x as expensive as what she'd usually buy they also had a completely different style. Normally she would wear huge shapeless cardigans and t shirts, but now she had the opportunity to reinvent herself, why not? Sienna found herself leaning towards the more preppy side, maybe not quite as slutty. She now had the clothes that girls at her old school teased her for not having, she had the money they teased her for not having. It was crazy. The tags were carefully pulled off all the clothing and folded neatly, she only stopped to put on her new bleached jeans and the same blouse she tried on earlier. Her arms felt bare and unprotected so Sienna slipped a black cardigan on. Perfect. She looked confident, definitely not how she was feeling.
"Sienna!" She heard Austin yell from down the stairs, "You wanna come down? The guys are gonna be here soon."
Austin was in the lounge with a phone in his hand, "What type of pizza do you want?"
"Hawaiian please." She told him as she gingerly sat on one of the leather sofas.
He placed the order, getting 6 large pizzas. How many people were in his band anyway? Sienna felt herself yawn, she was so tired. The plane ride and then mall trip had exhausted her. Austin looked over at her, concerned and frowning slightly. "Are you tired? Do you want to meet them tomorrow instead?"
"No I'm fine." Sienna smiled, not wanting to make a fuss. Just then a knock rang throughout the house, making Sienna jump. Holy crap she was nervous, what if these guys didn't like her? Did she go with Austin to answer the door or stay in the lounge? Austin was long gone answering the door, so she nonchalantly pulled out her new iPhone, quickly checking her Tumblr page, she had downloaded a few apps, listening to the faint sound of greetings.
She could hear them walking down the short hallway towards the lounge, and she started silently freaking out. Her iPhone was slipped back into her tight pocket as a ginger man walked into the room.
"Hey!" He chirped happily, opening his arms for a hug. "I'm Alan." "I'm Sienna." She hated hugs, but she wanted to make a good impression. It was then she realised that she hadn't yet hugged Austin, but he didn't seem to mind. When she pulled away Alan grinned at her. "Holy fuck you're almost as tall as me."
"Langue Ashby." Austin scolded.
"Come on dude, I bet she knows all the bad words already. How old are you?"
"14." Sienna answered.
"14! I knew everything," Alan stressed the everything, "When I was her age."
"Don't corrupt her you asshole..." Austin smirked, not really caring, wandering towards the door, it seemed more people had arrived. Two men with long hair entered the room next, both with long hair, however one had a beard and his hair tied back.
"Hi, I'm Tino." The one with the beard introduced himself, "Phil." The other told her, they both offered hands to shake. So much less awkward than Alan's hug. "Sienna." They all migrated to the couch and sat down.
"Where's Aaron?" Austin asked.
"Girlfriend problems." Alan briefly explained from his comfy seat on the long part of the L shaped sofa. "He's coming over a bit later."
Sienna was surprised by how unfazed they all were by her, the thought of meeting the people she would live with on a bus for the next few months was daunting to her, and the actual thing was nowhere near as scary as she thought it would be. The doorbell rang, and Austin, being the good host he was went to get the pizza. All the guys nearly jumped onto him, but he pulled the pizza away from them. "$5 each or you get none." All of them grumbled as they pulled out their wallets, most offering crumpled notes while Austin distributed the food and sat next to her.
The atmosphere was chill until Alan flicked the TV on and found "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer."
"Woah, minor in the room." Austin glanced at her.
"I've seen the first one before." She informed him. He seemed really worried that he'd expose her to something he wasn't meant to, but he had missed that time period well and truly. "Okay..." He agreed, unsure.
"Austin's gonna be a killjoy now." Alan accused, earning a glare. The night wore on with the movie, Sienna only eating 1/3 of her huge pizza.

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora