The Flood: Part 1 (Written By Friskyhands)

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Sienna's POV

Sienna rubbed her eyes as she watched the countryside speed pass through the small bus window. It was early in the morning, only 8:30 am, meaning almost everyone was still in bed, except for her and the driver. She had only ventured out of her bunk to get a drink of water. In her reflection her hair was shown back to her as a massive rats nest, she was so close to shaving it all off. The eyes staring back at her had huge bags under them, mostly from her restless sleep. She kept Austin from worrying by using her new make up to its full advantage. She’d been with him for just over a month now. Sienna bent down to find a glass, which was not surprisingly a clean one was very hard to find. However when she did find one she dropped into the sink as soon as she felt hands over her eyes.

"Guess." A put on voice instructed her. "Austin." Sienna rolled her eyes behind his hands. He removed them and mock glared at her, "How did you know?"

"Everyone else is too hungover to get up this early." She retorted, smirking, "Plus I saw your reflection in the bus window, put a fucking shirt on."

"That's not fair!" He complained, pouting slightly.

"Do you want to try again?"

"No, because you'd know it was me." He whined.

"Whatever. What are we doing today?"

"Dunno, depends on when we get there. We have a show tomorrow so today's our day off. Maybe go swimming in the sea or something."

"Oh, okay." She responded, trying not to sound too disappointed. Sienna disliked swimming already and she especially hated swimming in the ocean, mostly because of the weird things in there. Most recently she hated swimming because of the scars she had. She hadn't hurt herself since that one time but the cuts weren't healed yet and there were so many more scars. They would all judge her. Austin would want to put her in a home or send her to a mental hospital. She could say she was on her period but she had used that excuse just under two weeks ago and she was sure they at least knew the basics of a period.

"Sienna?" A hand waved in front of her face. "Huh?"

"You zoned out. What's up?" Austin asked, concerned.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking."

"About?" Austin pushed.

"Mom." Sienna lied. Austin quickly pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her. He seemed to hug a lot, especially since they started to get to know each other more. Sienna liked it, she felt warm and safe in her father's chest, her head turned sideways on it, just so she could see a few of his tattoos. She returned the favour and hugged him back.

"You can always talk to me, okay? About anything." Austin told her, sounding slightly bitter, maybe because she had been avoiding that topic with him.  She couldn't talk to him about anything because he'd freak out but she nodded anyway. "You look tired, get some more sleep." He told her softly, kissing the top of her head. To Sienna the hug and kiss were strangely intimate, she could still feel the touch on her body.

They both went back to their bunks and Sienna unlocked her iPhone.  She looked through her Instagram to find herself in the background of a few photos the band had posted. In the comment people were more interested in her than their idols, all asking why she was in so many photos as if it was their goddam business.

Sienna decided she'd take the first shower before anyone else could use all the hot water, so she gathered her clothing and makeup and locked the shower door behind her. The water fell down her body in cascading rivulets and soaked through her hair. She started to relax, showers always made thinking easier. Austin said they'd do an interview soon, so maybe people would stop harassing her or they'd at least be a little nicer. She had deleted her Tumblr and instantly made a new one. Sienna felt the bus slow to halt and was relieved that they would be in this city for a few days.

She cleaned her hair, washing it twice because it was so thick. Sienna would need a haircut soon as it was growing too long. Her Mom would normally cut it, the reason she never got anything fancy. Maybe she could ask Austin to take her somewhere today. She wondered what he'd let her do, Katherine had said because her hair was so wavy it would look really cool with an undercut on one side.
Sienna dried herself off, got dressed, did her makeup and brushed her hair. She felt fresher and ready for the day, now she just had to wait for everyone else to get their asses out of bed. Her new clothes made her feel much better, for example, today she was wearing a black high waisted skater skirt with white dots, flower patterned tights and a plain white top tucked into the skirt. To pass the time she flicked the TV on and found the first Pirates of the Caribbean.

Austin's POV

Austin flopped back into his bunk and closed the curtain sighing. He was worried about Sienna; he wanted to make her happy on the bus and with him. It was obvious she wasn't comfortable talking to him about many things, most of all he was worried about her mental state. When his Mom died he was pretty torn up to put it lightly, but even then he had been a few years older. He was worried that Sienna would think he would judge her or decide he didn't want her and maybe that was why she refused to share anything with him. Austin didn't even know much about her, hobbies or anything. The closest he got to finding out something about her was when they walked past a small arts and crafts shop when her eyes lit up at the needles and ribbons in the window.

She seemed to spend most of her time trying not to get in the way or be a hassle, making it even harder to communicate. His bandmates were supportive and had also noticed something way up. Tino had mentioned how she spent so much time in her bunk. Phil had mentioned how she only really talked if she was asked something, unless she was on Skype with Katherine. Alan and Aaron both commented on how she never went swimming. He had already noticed those things, but his friends confirmed that it wasn't him overanalysing everything Sienna did.

Austin could hear his bandmates groaning and leaving their bunks one by one, as well as a TV on in the front lounge. He decided to get up again and wandered into the front lounge where Alan and Sienna were watching Pirates of the Caribbean. He joined them; enjoying watching Alan reacting to every sound like a plate had been dropped and broken next to him.

"Hungover?" Austin teased.

"Shut up, responsible adult." Alan replied bitterly.

"You can get drunk if you want to, I'm not five." Sienna said.

Austin frowned. "I do stupid stuff when I'm drunk."

"Like?" She questioned.

Alan started to open his mouth before Austin slapped his head. “Ow!” “Don’t tell her!”

“Okay…” Alan sighed, “By the way, Pierce the Veil and Sleeping With Sirens both want to go to the beach today. Wanna go with?”

“Yeah okay. I think we were going to go anyway. Sienna can finally meet them.”

Sienna’s PoV

Did she really have to go to the beach with more people? Were more people going to see her scars? She hadn’t met any of them yet; when they came on her bus she was normally in her bunk. Austin and her had spent most of the days off alone together to get to know each other so she hadn’t seen them on those. Sienna didn’t really know that she wanted to meet them; she’d rather hide in her bunk.

“Oh yeah, Kellin’s having his nephew on tour for a few weeks. I think he’s coming tomorrow. He’s around your age Sienna, I think he’s from Ohio too.”

“Do you know his name?” She asked.

“Something Quinn. Not sure.” Austin replied.

“Oh, okay.” Quinn was a familiar name to her; someone at her old school had that last name, Samuel Quinn. He was the one who poured the acid on her arm. It probably wasn’t him considering Ohio was pretty massive and I think everyone would know if he had a semi-famous uncle. He was that sort of guy. A knock on the bus door and another groan from Alan jolted her from her thoughts. “Sienna can you get that?” Alan moaned.

“Sure.” Sienna made her way to the front of the bus; the driver has sleeping in his chair. She opened the door to find two guys standing in front of her. One was pretty short with long brown hair wearing a snapback and a nose ring, the other tall with short spikey hair. They both looked Mexican
Um, hi?” Sienna asked. She had never met these guys before, although they did look familiar.

“Hey!” The guy with the spiky hair replied loudly and enthusiastically.

“Shut up Jaime!” Sienna heard Alan yell.

“He’s hungover.” Sienna explained.

The other shorted guy sniggered. “I’d bet.”

Just then Austin appeared behind her. “Hey guys, come in. This is Sienna. That’s Jaime and Vic.”

It was getting too crowded for Sienna so she decided to go back to her bunk, Austin gave her a strange look as she went. Whatever.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a long time, I think I have this story back on track but I needed a filler chapter first. I'll try to get the next one up in the next week or two.

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