Those In Glass Houses (Friskyhands)

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Thank you for feedback. Even though its only been one person I appreciate it and it makes me want to continue. This chapters a bit long, but I feel like it was needed.


Austin's PoV


Austin nervously paced around the airport terminal he was told to meet them in. The screen with all the times showed that the plane would be landing in 5 minutes. Fuck, what if she didn't like him? What if he didn't like her? He was getting more insecure by the minute, it was scary. The doors opened and people poured out, but Austin had no idea who he was looking for, so he just stood pathetically where the women had instructed him to. Sure enough a lady wearing a purple suit with a pinched face walked up to him with a girl in tow, taller than herself. Sienna.

Sienna looked like a perfect mix between himself and Lucy, but she seemed very timid, hiding behind "Mrs Butcher". Maybe it was meeting her father for the first time that made her quiet? The lady simpered, introducing herself and dismissing his daughter to get food. As she walked away Austin started discussing Sienna's placement.

"Look, I know she's my daughter and everything but is there nowhere at all she can go? I'm on tour most the time, it isn't really good for her." Austin knew he sounded desperate and naggy, he also knew it wouldn't do much good, but he needed to make absolutely sure there was nowhere better for her to go.

"Mr Carlile, your daughter has no other living relatives and nowhere to go, unless you want to put her in a foster home then you're her only option." The women hastily explained, obviously wanting to be somewhere else.

"I know, I want her, it's just I'm worried about her, how will she go to school, those sorts of things?"

"She already does correspondence, so that won't be an issue." Mrs Butcher glared at his babbling like she would stab him in the gut if he argued anymore. "Will you take custody of your daughter?" She asked as if it was as simple as that.

Austin couldn't throw out Sienna's life like that, he had heard the horror stories about foster homes, no way would he send someone to that fate. No matter how much it affected him he knew that he had to do what was right. "Yes." The papers were shoved in his face before he could change his mind as Sienna wandered towards them.

"I will have to come by later today to assess your living situation, Mr Carlile, but until then you can take your daughter." She stalked off, wobbling on her heels. Completely fucking ridiculous, he thought. "Stuck up bitch." He muttered, forgetting that he should be setting a good example. As soon as he remembered he cocked up again "Shit, sorry I shouldn't swear." Sienna only giggled at him, and Austin realised he hadn't heard her speak yet, apart from a tiny hi. She looked tired and sad, as would be expected.

"Should we go get your bag from carousel?" He inquired. She shook her head, "This is all I have."

"Serious? Crap that's nothing, we'll have to go shopping today then, okay?"

"I don't have any money." He could tell she felt awkward and unwanted, did she perhaps hear him?

"I'll be paying." He smiled awkwardly as they walked slowly towards the exit and through the car park, "I'm your Dad, remember, gotta make up for all the stuff I didn't buy you when you were younger."

He showed Sienna to his black four wheel drive, she looked freezing, Austin took her bag and threw it into the back, grabbing a hoodie off the floor and passing it to her. Sienna nodded in acknowledgement and wrapped herself in it. They both jumped into the front seats, and Austin explained the day plans.

"We'll go back to the house first, then we can go to the mall to get you some stuff once you've had a look around. Tomorrow we leave on tour, I'm in a band so it'll be pretty full on." She only nodded again, Austin got the impression she was pretty shy, and didn't like asking questions.

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now