Heartache and Heartbreak

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Sienna literally felt like her body was being split into two. The only other time she remembered feeling this way was when she was with Josh and Oli outside of the tattoo parlor. Her body shook and she screamed as loudly as she could, begging her father to come and save her, but it was like everything was in slow motion. She was fading, fading...drifting off into a dream state. The pain still coursed through her body, but she was barely even breathing. This must be what death felt like. And oddly enough, she felt comforted by the fact that it would all be over soon.

"Sienna!" shouted her father's voice, forcing her to jolt up, her forehead smashing into her father's head with a stunning thud. Sienna yelped and fell back, holding her aching head.

"Ow!" She snapped. "What the fuck!"

"I'm sorry!" Austin said, rubbing his head in pain too. "You were having a bad dream."

Sienna blinked silently, trying to make sense of everything that had happened in the past few hours. They had gotten off a plane. They had gotten mobbed by fans. They had gotten shoved into a van to drive them home. They were dropped off before Alan and Tino were. Max was sleeping the whole way.

Sienna moaned again and sat up, this time more slowly and cautiously. "Where's Max at?"

"He's exploring the outdoors." Austin smiled down at her and Sienna sighed again, rubbing her head before letting her hand drop.

"How long was I sleeping for?" Sienna muttered, feeling her eyes close a little.

"A little over two hours." Austin grinned, patting her leg and standing up from her bed. "You were out like a light, kiddo."

"Oh." Sienna felt her shoulders shrug and she rolled out of bed, rubbing her eyes. "Ugh, it felt like a year and a half."

"Yeah, after my first tour, I fell asleep right when I got home." Austin chuckled. "And I slept for 28 hours."

"Yeah right." Sienna scoffed.

"No! Ask my dad!" Austin challenged. "He played a shit ton of pranks on me when I was knocked out."

Sienna only rolled her eyes and walked past her dad to the stairs, walking swiftly down them. Austin followed behind her, seeming a little awkward about something.

Sienna opened the door to the porch and heard Max barking at something. At first, she thought nothing of it, but after he continuously barked like a maniac, she began to worry.

She looked behind her worriedly, but Austin only shrugged with a slight smile on his lips. "What?" Sienna demanded. "You know what's going on, don't you?"

Austin only shrugged his shoulder, smirking and leaning against the door frame. Sienna gritted her teeth. "I hate surprises!" she warned him. Austin shrugged his shoulders again. What a prick.

She followed the sounds of Max's barking around the patio, trying to figure out where the german shepherd puppy was. When she found Max, he was growling at a large lump that was covered with a bright blue fuzzy blanket with a large bow sitting on the top of it. It was loosely wrapped with a black sparkly ribbon and Sienna glared at Austin.

"Are you kidding me?" she snapped. Austin made a face, shrugging again.

"It's not from me. How could it be? We were on the road."

"Whatever." Sienna sighed, rolling her eyes. She then walked closer to the lump, inspecting it. The lump came up to her ribs. Max looked incredibly tiny standing next to it. His barks went silent when Sienna shushed him. She peeked on the top of the lump and noticed a folded up paper sitting underneath the bow. Sienna picked up the paper and slowly opened it.

I'm so sorry.

Sienna blinked and looked up at her father. She had a feeling she knew who it was from, but she didn't want to be too sure.

"...was this from..." she trailed off, looking back at her father. Austin nodded slowly. She set down the note and then began to unwrap the gift.

It was a gigantic teddy bear, made of plush brown fabric and it had bright green eyes. Sienna laughed tiredly and rubbed at her eyes, tears falling down her cheeks. "Oh my god, he's an idiot."

"Who's it from?" Austin asked cheekily.

"Are you kidding me?" Sienna snorted, rolling her eyes. "This is from Noah, isn't it?"

Austin smiled knowingly and stepped away from the door frame, calling Max to his side. Max barked once and barreled in after Austin leaving Sienna to stare at the teddy bear in affection and love. Holy shit. She had to call Noah.




Sienna was with Noah, who had driven over when she called him. They were now in her room, catching up, just becoming a couple again. Austin sat on the couch, picking Max up to sit on the cushion next to him. Max curled up and placed his head in his paws, looking innocently up at Austin as if he knew something that Austin didn't.

Austin sighed and looked down at the puppy, his eyebrow cocked.

"What?" he asked, feeling slightly ridiculous talking to a dog. "What do you want? Huh? A treat? For me to pet you? Huh?"

Max only sighed through his nose and rested his head back on his paws, closing his eyes. Austin rolled his eyes and leaned back into the couch, feeling his own eyes close. It was quiet...much too quiet. But Austin just assumed that was because being on tour was so loud.

Austin stretched out and sighed again, opening one eye. He saw Max looking back up at him.

"Stop it." Austin grunted, reaching out his arm and petting Max's head. Max whined and leaned into Austin's hand and stretched out his little paws. It was incredible how calming it was to pet the small puppy.

After a few minutes of silence, feet were heard on the stairs and down came the happy couple, hand in hand, grinning like idiots.

"I'm making a smoothie." Sienna announced. "Do you want one, dad?"

Austin yawned again and stretched. "Sure. What kind of smoothie are you making?"

"Whatever's in the fridge." Sienna replied, skipping into the kitchen. Austin chuckled and stood up slowly from the couch, much to Max's protests. He walked into the kitchen to see Sienna searching in the fridge for the right ingredients as Noah was grabbing cups and a blender.

"How does a blueberry mango smoothie sound?" Sienna asked. Austin shrugged and nodded. Noah smiled.

"Sure. Sounds great, babe."

Austin gave a small smile to the two and quietly exited the kitchen. Max followed right behind him, as if Max understood he was a third wheel too. Austin walked into the living room again and sat back down on the couch, this time grabbing his laptop.

As he scrolled through twitter, he decided to search the tag Ausex, just to see what would show up. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss Alexis.

The most recent posts under the tag Ausex broke his heart. Some fans were posting pictures of Austin and Alexis, holding hands, kissing, hugging...most of them were candid photos. It made Austin feel sick. He made a mistake saying goodbye to Alexis. He made a mistake. And now he was paying dearly for it. He missed Alexis, and somehow, he was going to make it right again.


Hey guys!  Sorry for the lack of updates!  I recently got a job so that's extremely time consuming haha!

Chapter Goal: 100+ Votes, 20+ comments

Chapter Quote:  "Why Must I Run?  Why Must I Hide?  I'd Rather Be Living In Hell Than Never Have Lived With Nothing To Tell"  - Menace ~ Crown The Empire

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