And All The Things That You Never Ever Told Me...

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How I picture Josh's Beach House >>>>




"Happy birthday, Aaron!" Austin called out, his arm wrapping around Aaron's neck. "You've become such a good friend to me over these years, and I'm so happy to have you in the Of Mice Family, it's been so amazing, man. Congrats!" 

Aaron laughed and took a big gulp of beer and hugged Austin. 

The music was loud and it was club music. Most of it was rapping like DJ Khaled, or Eminem. They even played some Nicki Minaj. Not that Austin was complaining or anything. 

Alan was sitting with Sienna and Noah. Josh sat with them too, watching his girlfriend dance with Ivy - very sexually - if he might add.  

Austin knew Sienna was young and he also knew she was curious about weed, so he gave Alan permission to let her try it as long as she didn't do too much of it or turn into Alan; smoking up every day. 

He knew it wasn't the smartest decision, but he knew eventually, she would try it, and he would rather it be under his nose rather than in some sketchy place out of Austin's supervision. 

Tino and Jen were in the water, trying to encourage Noux to come in as well. Max was mixing drinks for people, Amanda was kissing Aaron. 

Austin found himself wandering off to sit next to Alan who was licking the sides of his joint making the paper stick. 

"Hey." Alan said, fishing in his pants pocket to grab a lighter. Sienna looked nervous. 

"Hey." Austin replied, smirking a bit. He should have been overprotective and taken back his word of letting Sienna smoke this once, but with the persuasion of the alcohol and the party, he let it slide. "Okay, this is a one time deal, okay?" He said to Sienna. She nodded, her eyes still wide. "I don't want you smoking any more after this. And this isn't good for your heart, okay? So you're only going to do this once, and that's it. Got it?" Sienna nodded and Austin sighed, sipping his beer. "Alright. Go on then." 

Alan lit the end of the joint and inhaled like a pro and passed it to Sienna. "Just breathe in. Hold it like this. With your index finger and your thumb. And breathe slowly." 

Sienna held the joint with wobbling fingers. 

Austin decided that it was time to let Sienna explore this one on her own so he stood up and started to walk back to the house. He noticed Josh now took the spot of Ivy and Ivy was no where to be found. Neither was Max. Normally, Austin would have wondered where they had gone, but walking into the house while placing his phone on the countertop and turning the corner into the living room, he quickly found an answer to his question. 

Ivy was laying on the ground, one arm stretched above her head, the other tangled in Max's hair. They were kissing feverishly and Ivy's legs were wrapped around Max's waist. Ivy was letting these little whimpers and moans from her throat and Max was literally growling, and telling her to shut up. Austin's eyes widened as he realized what they were doing. 

He bolted from the living room and raced outside again, panting. 

"Holy shit, do not go in there." Austin said to anyone who was listening. Josh glanced up. 

"Why not?" 

"Ivy and Max're-" 

"Fucking, yeah, we know." laughed Ty. Austin shook his head in disbelief. No one told him that those two were going in to fuck. Then he would have entered that room more cautiously. But it was too late now. "Where were they doing it this time?" 

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