Someone Somewhere

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"Are you excited about going home?" Jeremy asked. Sienna shrugged, sighing through her nose.

"I don't know. I guess."

They were now nearing the end of the tour with only two shows remaining. Sienna loved her time in Europe, watching the guys do what they love to, which was playing to a sold out show and meeting fans. She also learned that her father apparently didn't know how to spell 'Europe', which she found out via Alan sending her a link to a YouTube which showed her that her father had in fact spelled Europe as 'Y-U-R-P'.

Alan knew that Sienna was getting a little annoyed that she was on the tour bus by herself, so he would text her at night. It was a sweet gesture, honestly, and it made her feel closer to her father, even though it wasn't him texting her. He would text every now and again, but Sienna knew he preferred to not be on his phone.

He just had sent her a link to a kitten video (which was one of the funniest things she had seen in a while), when her phone rang, sending her into a worried state.

Jeremy gave her a look that was translated as the same amount of uneasiness that she was feeling, and he coughed into his hand. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Sienna said softly, pressing the red button to ignore the call from Noah. He had tried to call her a day ago, but she didn't pick up because of the horrible service she had on the road. Now, she had all the bars on her phone service and she didn't have any excuses, aside from the truth, which was that she didn't want to talk to Noah right now. Of course, why would she want to talk to Noah? He was responsible for hurting her when she needed him the most. Why would she want to invite him back into her life just so he could hurt her again?

"Okay." Jeremy said, unconvinced, but Sienna pretended not to notice. Max was bounding between Jeremy's leg that was planted on the ground, the other one at a 90 degree angle, his ankle on his knee.

"Hey, I thought I'd let you know that at first, I didn't know if I'd like your music, because Noah was so obsessed with it, but...I mean, it''s grown on me." she teased, trying to get her mind off of her dilemma with her boyfri - her exboyfriend.

"Really?" Jeremy seemed genuinely happy about Siena admitting that she grew fond of Jeremy's music. It was a funny thing to see the man get so excited about it. "That's awesome! I'm so glad you like it. I like to make the music, and I need people like you and Noah to like listening to it. Or I'd be shit outta luck." he snickered and Sienna smiled back at him. "So what's going on with Noah? I haven't heard a lot from him?"

"Oh." Sienna suddenly felt nervous about where this conversation was going. She sighed and bit her lip. "Well, we're not exactly...together..."

"What?" Jeremy gasped, his eyebrows shooting up. "But you were...and I thought...but why?" Jeremy seemed frustrated. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

"No!" Sienna assured him, feeling Max pawing at her legs, wanting to be lifted up into her arms. She complied, leaning down and lifting Max into her lap. "No, he broke up with me because of the rumors going on through twitter."

"That's a dumb reason." Jeremy grumbled. He then frowned at Sienna. "That's a really dumb reason. And by the way, you lied to me."

"When?!" Sienna asked, worriedly. Jeremy gave her a sad look.

"When you said he didn't hurt you. That shit's cold. He fucking hurt you."

"Not physically." Sienna muttered, remembering what Avery did. Anything that happened to her now, was nothing compared to what Avery had done to her.

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