Meeting Cara *Contest As Well! Please Enter!*

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"Ew, Max! Seriously?!" shouted Oli, pointing to the screen that Tom was editing. It was the Go-Pro footage from the other night and it showed Max in the bathroom throwing up his stomach into the toilet bowl. 

"Oh, sorry." Max snickered, rubbing his head. "I must've mixed my drinks." 

Sienna turned away from the screen, not really interested in it anymore and felt her phone vibrate once again. 

Are you okay?

As if he had the right to ask her that. Sienna narrowed her eyes and tossed her phone to the couch, not caring if it broke. Avery needed to leave her alone. Dan noticed and gave her a small smile. "Avery?" 

"Yep." She said sourly. Dan leaned over and patted her head. 

"Well, you don't need him. We're pretty cool. Like I said before, Max is all of the immature that you'll ever need in a man." Dan grinned at Max. "In't that right, Maximilian?" Max wrinkled his nose. 

"No. Max. I respond to Max, Daniel." 

Dan shrugged. "Fine. Max and Matt's Munchies!" Sienna stared in wonder as Max giggled with glee. 

"It's authentic." Max said seriously making Oli, Dan, Tom and Sam to laugh loudly. They were the only ones in the small back lounge as the rest were preparing for the show. 

"I don't get it." Sienna mumbled. Oli smiled, his upper lip curling a bit making the smile look completely effortless on his bottom lip, and Sienna could get a full view of his top row of teeth. It was a little creepy. 

"They had these webisodes called Max and Matt's Munchies. Or was it Matt and Max's Munchies? Well I don't care." Oli shrugged. "Point is, they were eating food all the time on those webisodes, and Max would always call every single shit restaurant 'authentic'." 

"That doesn't even make sense." Sienna grinned, shaking her head. 

"Alright! Video's up." Tom cheered, clicking a button. The men gathered around to watch the video as it played. It started out with Sam Bettley standing on the bus before the show started. Sam coughed next to Sienna and she turned to see him rolling his eyes. 

"I say something really stupid here. I know it-" Sam mumbled. 

The Sam on the video grinned at the camera. "Today's mah burfday!" Sam jumped up and down. "And I hope Ben'll finally get me that blow job that he kept talking about all of these years." Sam stopped jumping and grinned at the camera, crossing his fingers. "He's all talk, you see." 

Sam chuckled and patted Sienna's back. "Told you so." 

"Sienna? There's someone I want you to meet." Danny called. Sienna sighed and stood up, stretching her legs. 

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec." She leaned down to pick up her phone and Dan snatched it from her. 

"Nope. No stress tonight. Take mine." Dan handed Sienna his phone and grinned. "It's okay. I'll tell Austin later. I don't want you to have to deal with Avery tonight." 

"Thanks." Sienna mumbled, rubbing her arms and pocketing Dan's phone before walking out of the area to find Danny. 

"Sienna, here, love." Danny called, his hand appearing around the corner. Sienna followed Danny around the corner and was stunned to who she saw. "Sienna, this is my little sister, Cara. Cara, this is Sienna. My BFF." 

The woman was beautiful, her eyes a light green with hints of emerald in them. They were large and beautiful, captivating. She had slight freckles across her nose and she was wearing a tie-dye shirt, a North Face covering her arms. Her pants were light blue skinnies and her feet were hugged by high topped converse. Her hair was a dark brown with a hint of red and Sienna felt herself being a bit jealous of this Cara lady. She was stunningly beautiful

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