Aortic Dissection

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Austin had allowed her to go out with Hannah, Oli, Jordan, Emma, Josh, Ty, Lee, and Brittany. Hannah was going to help her design her tattoo, but in order to do that, they had to go out and get some art supplies. Lee and Brittany were going to get tattoos together...real ones, so Sienna decided that if they just sat around while the couple got their tattoos and plan out her tattoo with Hannah and Oli. Emma, Ty, Jordan, and Josh just wanted to come for fun.

Sienna sighed and sank even lower in the leather couch as she felt a slight headache coming on.

"The flower could arc like this." Hannah murmured, drawing out the bend on the paper. "Then it could have leafs down here."

"I like that." Sienna approved, grinning. Emma smiled.

"I like it too," she nodded. Josh peeked at the flower as well.

"Oh God, Hannah, that looks really pretty! It suits Birdy as well."

Sienna blushed and listened to the buzzing of the needles in the background. She raised her hand in front of her and stared at her wrist, eyeing it. She loved her tattoo that she got done with Oli. She absolutely loved it. Even Austin was coming to terms with the idea of having a daughter who liked to have tattoos.

Her headache made her stomach spin as she just realized how much it was really bothering her. Josh gave her an odd look.

"Are you alright, Birdy?"

"M'fine." Sienna mumbled, closing her eyes and letting her hand drop down so it was almost touching the floor. "I just have a headache."

"I have Advil." Ty offered, rattling a bottle, but Sienna just shook her head, ignoring the feeling of dull pain in her head.

"N-no, it's okay. It will pass." She said sourly, hating the pain in her head. Jordan tutted with his tongue and pouted a little.

"You wanna rest your eyes? Close 'em a little?" He asked, rubbing her back. Sienna nodded slowly and gently lowered herself to rest her head on his knee. Oliver, who was sitting on the other side of Sienna, gently pulled her legs up to rest on his. Sienna turned onto her back and spread out against the two, sighing and rubbing her temples.

"M'sorry, Hannah." Sienna apologized, feeling incredibly guilty. "They're not normally this bad...I'm sorry. The design is brilliant..I love it-"

"No need to apologize, Birdy." Hannah assured her, rubbing her shin comfortingly. "You're fine. You're just feeling sick. Maybe drink some water?"

"N-nah." Sienna mumbled, trembling from the pain in her head. "I-I'm good."

"Are you sure?" Josh whispered, seemingly close. Sienna's eyes squinted open to see him leaning over extremely close to her face. She flinched and made a face at him. "Do you want to go out for some fresh air?"

Fresh air sounded nice to Sienna, so she let a small noise of approval leave her lips and Josh smiled sadly. "Alright, love." He helped her to her feet and Oli stood too.

"I need some fresh air too." He explained when Hannah gave him a questioning look. "All of the smells of the ink is makin' me wanna get tattooed."

"An addiction." Ty snickered. Sienna felt a little sick, so she pointed to the door and Josh helped her over to the door sympathetically.

The sun hit her in a nauseating wave. She stumbled a bit and Josh steadied her with worry clear in his eyes.

"Sienna?" he asked making her almost forget about her pain. It had been so long since Josh had actually called her by her real name. She looked at him and frowned. "Sienna, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now