I Need You Now

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"Her name is Eva." Ryan said bitterly, giving the Noah and the girl a glare as they sat cuddled on the couch together. "She was the last girlfriend before Sienna. She broke up with him because she said he was too 'feminine' to be her guy, but then he got more famous and met Sienna, and she was jealous. I told her to stay away from Noah when he's having memory issues, but that won't stop her. She's psychotic." 

Austin sighed, rolling his eyes. Robert wanted to meet Noah when he heard about Sienna and his relationship, but Austin could see that it was a bad idea. He watched as his father looked deep in thought. 

"But there's a good side too." Ryan said, turning to Austin and Austin's father. 

"What's that?" Rob asked. 

"Well, on Noah's iPad, he has a picture of him and Sienna. Actually, he has a ton of photos of him and Sienna together. None of them are kissing ones though, but some of them are just of her. I asked him about it, and he told me that he didn't know who she was, but she makes him feel okay again. So I mean, she still has the affect of comfort over Noah, and soon, he'll probably remember her!"

"Why can't you just tell him?" Austin asked forcibly. 

"I can't. The doctor said that…if I did, Noah could potentially have a seizure that would give him more brain damage. If he just finds out for himself, then-" 

"I don't really fucking care." Austin said harshly. "Do you see how broken Sienna is? Vic told me today Noah was working and totally forgot who she was when they were ordering food! And then this slut came into the picture, fawning over him and everything, and Sienna had to leave because she was crying so hard." 

"Hey!" Ryan said angrily. "This is my little brother's life we're talking about! I know Sienna is crying over heartache, but I think Noah's life is more important." 

"Alright, fine. Yes, Noah's life is more important, but the least you can do is split Eva and Noah up." Austin hissed. Robert looked uncomfortable. 

"Ryan, how come Eva was just accepted into Noah's life again? How did he remember her?" 

Ryan sighed. "I have no idea. I guess since Noah dated her before Sienna, it was the last relationship in his mind. It ended horribly too. Noah cried for days, actually. He was heartbroken." 

"Noah cried?" Austin asked softly. It must have been horrible to make Noah cry. Noah was pretty tough, and it was hard to hear that this woman broke him up so badly that he cried about it. "What did she do?" 

Ryan shook his head sadly. "Everything you can think of. She ripped him apart. Insulted him, she called him a faggot, and told him that she was cheating on him the whole time. He was heart broken. She called him ugly and all of these awful names. Noah has depression and it eats him alive when he gets into the funks. And it just got to him too much…I found him in a pool of his own blood in the bathroom." 

Austin shivered. "I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry, man." 

"It's okay. He's better." Ryan looked distastefully at his hands. "I just don't want him anywhere near her." 

"I don't blame you," Austin gritted his teeth. "She's a disgusting human being. I can't believe people are that cruel." 

"Are you going to tell her to leave?" Robert asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. 

"No, because Noah would want to know why, but I can't tell him." Ryan shook his head. "It's dumb. Sienna has made Noah so happy lately, and now I can see the 'gray' him back, and I worried." 

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