Puppies Make Men Turn Into Boys

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Sienna felt her mouth water as she stood side stage as A Day To Remember performed. She didn't know if it was from nervousness, or if it was just because her mouth was dry. She had no reason to be nervous. Max was on the bus, sleeping in his little plush crate while she was watching the performers. She had just gotten off the phone with Noah, who was kind enough to stay up with her to talk about just random things. She told him about Max, and Noah cheered, loving the idea of a puppy - because, who wouldn't?

Sienna was in the middle of her thoughts when she heard her father's voice in her ear, startling her. 

"Hey! I have someone I want you to meet. We'll be going on tour with them when this one is finished up. They're here to promote the tour." 

Sienna looked up, confused, her eyes falling on a shorter man beside her father. He had a beard and had gauges, his smile was wide too. 

"Hi!" he shouted. "My name is-" he broke off, clearing his throat. "Maybe we should go outside!" 

Sienna nodded, agreeing with him. Austin led the way, walking backstage until they reached a door that was guarded by the security guy. Austin held open the door for both Sienna and the guy and he closed it behind him. Instantly, Sienna was shocked by the silence. 

"This is much better." the man grinned. "Hi, I'm Dave Escamilla. I'm from Crown The Empire." 

Sienna felt her eyebrows go up and she looked curiously to her father. "So you just know everybody in your genre of music?" she asked sarcastically. Austin laughed too, shaking his head. 

"No, just the people who you seem to know of. Tree and Andy are here too." 

"His name is Tree?" Sienna asked, trying hard not to make her voice sound judgmental. 

"Yeah. Well, no. It's a nickname." Dave explained. "Kinda like how my name is David, but I go by Dave. Also, his last name is Tree. He just sometimes goes by Tree." 

"I want you to meet the others." Austin said, pointing out the group of guys who were hanging around the bus in the back parking lot. Sienna nodded and Dave led the way, talking to Sienna the whole time. 

By the time they got there, Dave had already worked out that Sienna liked their music and promised to sign something for Noah. Austin smiled while introducing the guys to Sienna. Andy seemed goofy enough, asking Sienna silly questions, like: if she's ever played Mortal Kombat, or if she's ever played Game of Thrones drinking games, or if she's even old enough to drink - which she replied: no, which led him to ask if Austin allowed her to drink even though she was too young, which she shook her head to all of his questions. 

Tree - who she found out was actually called Hayden - was a nice guy. He was quiet and kind of carefree. He said: 'Fuck it', a lot when people were indecisive. Sienna found that amusing. 

"Yeah, at least your dad can actually do some sick dance moves on the stage." Andy said jealously, sending Austin a look. "I just kind of throw my arm down in a swinging motion and look like I'm having a seizure." 

"I'm sure it doesn't look too bad." Sienna said to make him feel better, but he scoffed. 

"Have you seen the Bloodline music video? I realized how dumb I looked while they were editing." He proceeded to show her by spreading his legs in a split like motion and he arced his arm so it rotated around while thrusting his whole torso down to the ground. 

Sienna couldn't help but laugh at Andy, seeing his awkward thin body flailing around. Tree was laughing too, along with Dave. Austin rolled his eyes, smirking. 

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