65 - The Wives + 1 + Dani

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Chapter 65 | The Wives + 1 + Dani

--Monica's POV-- 

The next morning, I woke up to the normal Styles' system; Harry in the loo, Ed and Jo still asleep, and Jr is most likely awake and playing with his feet in his crib. I got out bed and walked to the loo. Harry was brushing his hair back and I noticed another gray. I plucked it and he winced. Then he sighed.

"Hey, no matter how old you are, you'll always be the handsome young bloke I fell in love with." I said. He sighed again, completely ignoring my words. I hugged him and looked up into his beautiful, emerald eyes. "Baby, look at me." He looked over to me and I realized he had tears in his eyes.

"I'm not ready to get old yet Moni." He said before sitting on the toilet lid.

"Harry." I said. "You're are still beautiful babe. No matter what age you are, I'll always love you, okay?"

"But --"

I sat on his lap and held his cheeks, brushing our noses together. I giggled while he chuckled. I slowly kissed his face before placing one on his lips. When we parted, our faces were so close I might as well kiss him again, so I did; and again, and again. And maybe one more after that.

"Baby, I love you, okay? Grays, browns, greens, yellows, no matter what it is, I love you." I said.

He smiled, showing his award winning (literally!) smile. "I cant believe we're having a baby. I want her to look just like you." He said placing his large hand over my tiny bump that could be mistaken for bloating.


"Yep. Its gonna be a girl. I'm callin' it." He said.

I giggled and placed my head on his shoulder before hugging him. "Have I ever told you, you're a dork?"

"Yes!" He shouted, not to mention, in my ear. "I love you so much. Its unhealthy." He said. Then I kissed his neck and he shuddered.

"We have a family interview today." I said.

"I know." He sighed. "But at least its Alan Carr. He's funny."

"Yeah. Harry! Harry! Give me some of your gravy!" I said while Harry blushed. I laughed again before standing back up. "Anyway, I'm going to get food ready. Don't wake up Ed and Joey yet."

Then we walked out of the bathroom, out the room, and started down the hall. "Kay. I'll be down in a bit. I need to finish some last minute paper work." He grabbed me by the waist and kissed my cheek before walking into his makeshift office. I jogged quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen. I clicked on the telly and of course, something with Edward.

"Edward Styles, after his month in confinement, he came back with a bang. For those who didn't see, lets looks at the video." And they showed what Ed did for my birthday. I smiled. "Aww, cute. Don't you love it when hot guys love their mums? Anyway, fans are happy and also concerned. They want to know if he's alright, being as he was locked in London's Insane Asylum for a good month. Maybe we'll know later since the Styles' family is taking it to Alan Carr : Chatty Man Studios today." I rolled my eyes. "That is all for CTV. I'm your host Cara Tuns, and I'll see you next week."

Next came on the weather forecast. I ignored it. After making some pancakes, eggs, and sausage, I walked upstairs to Ed's room and opened the door. There he was snoring his heart away.

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