42 - Interviews

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Jesse .x  


Chapter 42 | Interviews

--Edward's POV-- 

As soon as we landed in NY we made sure we had changed on the plane and looked presentable. I put Baby on a leash and grabbed me and Blair's luggage from the over head compartment. It was 9:30 AM US time and Chad had just called to check on the hotel room.

"Ready?" Kelly asked.

We all nodded and followed her off the plane. Guards took all if our luggage and put it all on 3 carts and took it to a separate van to take it to the hotel for us because we have and interview in and hour and a half. Blair was holding onto Baby's leash and I had Blair's hand. Paparazzi and fans were all around the airport shooting questions left and right. I walked off to a few fans and started signing papers.

"Hey Edward. I love you so much! Can you sign my shirt!?" A girl asked.

"Sure." I said with a smile. She turned around and I wrote my name quickly.

"Ed, can I have your number?" One asked. I laughed and shook my head 'no'.

"Edward, I think you were better with Victoria." One girl sneered.

"Well, Tori is in a better place now and I'm happy with Blair." I said before signing her paper. Kill 'em with you're smile they say. She rolled her eyes and stomped through the crowd.

"Edward can you follow my twitter?" One girl asked.

"Sure, Love. What's your twitter name?"


I nodded and pulled out my phone. I followed her and then sent out a tweet.

Edward_Styles : just got to NY, haven't even left the airport yet and its crazy. Just met @Ed_H_S! She's got a cool name aha :)

Just then Blair came over. Someone squeezed a bottle of water in her face and soaked her.

"Blair. . ." I whispered.

She started crying and was walking off but I caught up to her before she went into the bathroom.

"Baby -"

"Ed look at me. My make up is running, my hair is ruined, and my shirt is white. Its gonna be see through in a minute. They hate me. Everyone hates me."

"I don't hate you." I said.

"That means a lot but its our fans to one. The only reason people ship Beddy is because you're in it. Oh look, my bra."

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