8 - Secrets and Edward Styles

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How will I tell him? I cant just blurt it out. We're at a hospital and I don't want to be up fronted or stopped because of it but I wanted to be here for Edward. I need him to know this.

"Tori, you alright? You haven't spoken and your face is flushed." Edward said.

"Oh, yeah, just thinking about the map project." I lied.

"Yeah? Me and Grange finished ours already. You're welcomed to use it." he winked.

"No, I don't cheat." I said.


I rolled my eyes and the doctor came back in the room with the papers.


I walked in my house with Harry and mom, Victoria went home for rest, and went straight upstairs and called Britney. She wanted to be one of the first of my friends that know the news.

"Yes Edward?" she said.



"Harry's my dad."


"My friends want to Skype. You wanna meet them?" Brit asked.

We were lying on my bed, I was watching the tv but she was on my Mac.


Soon 5 other teens popped up on the screen.

"Hey guys." She said waving,"This is my cousin, Edward."

"Hey." I said.

"Ooh America." Said the girl with the pin straight jet black hair.

"Shut up, Blair." Brit said making me and the others laugh.

"Blair? That's a cool name." I said. She giggled and the others rolled their eyes.

"Ed these are my friends. Blair Malik, Chad and Thadd Horan, Jillian and Yazmin Payne, don't know where Drake is. Mates, this is my cousin Edward...uhh."

I sighed.

"Styles. Edward Styles."


I'll update again. I just wanted to put this up.


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