18 - I'm Back To Get Lost Again

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It's now 9 o'clock PM and Ed still isn't back. I have to wait 24 hours before filing a missing person report. El and Lou are freaking out and this is all my fault. This isn't how I imagined coming back to London. 

"It's alright, Miss Jacobs. He'll come back." Blair said. 

Just then the door opened and in came a laughing Skyler and Ed. They both had cotton candy and Skyler had a face tattoo. I rushed up to Ed and hugged him. 

"Woah mom. You okay?" 

"I missed you. I'm sorry." 

"Sorry for what? We just went to Hyde Park." 


"I remember us fighting and I pulled you off the bed then Tori called, I don't remember much after that. I just remember the park." he said shrugging.

I nodded,"Go on upstairs and pick a room, get dressed. We're going out for dinner." 


He let go of Skyler's hand and jogged up the stairs. 

"I'm confused." Liam said.

"He has a disorder. Two actually; one of them being Bipolar disorder. He won't remember a thing." 

"Oh." he said. 

"Yeah. He doesn't know." 

"The scariest thing was when we were at her house and he just blew off. He was screaming and yelling at me and I didn't even to anything but when Skyler came over she calmed him down. We don't even know what she did." Britney said.

"Yeah. That's my baby." I said wiping my tears. 


Ed came downstairs wearing a white button down, which wasn't buttoned, some black drees pants and black dress shoes, holding a tie in his hands. 

"Ma, can you do this?" 

"Blair, get that for me honey." I said as I was fixing Jacob's tie. 

"S-Sure." she blushed. 


This  lad is the definition of Sex God. I'm literally dying to touch his abs. First he comes down with his short undone showing off his six pack -which looks delicious- now I have to fix it. 

"Hello." I said.

"Hey. Thanks for fixing this. I had no idea what I was doing." he said. 

"Obviously. Now tuck your shirt in your pants." I said. 

I turned around and he started to do that. Yeah, he was hot, but i didn't want to stare at his junk. Anne came down stairs with a list in her hand. 

"Okay, to keep everyone safe we're putting you all in groups of two." she said. By now everyone was dressed and ready to go. 

"Okay, for obvious reasons we'll have Louis and Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie, Niall and Paisley, Liam and Macy, Gemma you can go with Moni, and Harry and Carlin." 

"Who's Carlin?" Ed whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. 

"Harry's girlfriend." 

"Oh." he said. 

"Jacob, you and Skyler." she said. "As for teenagers; Jillian and Thadd, Yazmin and Chad, Britney and Drake, and Blair and Ed. Then there's me and Robin, and Johannah and Ricky. (A/N: I know Jay's dating at the moment but let's just say she's married to a bloke named Ricky) That clear." 

Everyone nodded and started walking out. I spun back around to Ed and snatched his tie. He was looking me in the eyes as I put my hands around his neck and slid the tie down. He was sending me that famous Styles smile that they all have and it was killing me. I pulled the loop up and flattened the tie down. 

"Done." I whispered.

"You okay, B?" he asked. 


"Okay. Let's go." 

He threw his arm around my shoulders and we walked out the house to the vans. 

"What took you two so long?" Brit said wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed. 

"She was helping me put on my tie." Ed said. 

"Yeah." I said. 

Ed phone beeped twice and if it does that it means you have a Facetime call. He picked it up. 

"Sara!" he said. Ahh, Victoria's mom. 

"Ed, hello. You mom wanted me to talk to you." 

"Oh, why?" he asked. 

"To meet the British slash Irish of course." she said making everyone laugh. 

"Okay, you met my cousin Britney. Here is the Irish twins, Thadd and Chad Horan. Then we have Jillian and Yazmin, there's Drake. And here is Blair." He said. 

"Nice to meet you all." she said. 

Everyone replied along the lines of "You too". 

"Eddy!" said a boy who came up on the screen. He had shaggy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and he was tall. 

"Granger! Wassup?" Ed asked. 

"Nothin'. Oh I mailed off your yearbook. Should be there in a week. Tori sent you something as well." 

"How is she?" 

"Hospital dude." 



"Granger! Give me my phone back!" Sara yelled.She seemed playful to be a mom. 

"Wait - ahh - Bye Ed." Granger said ending the call. 

"You friend is weird." Drake said. 


"Alright, we're here." the driver said. 

We all got out the van and it was freezing. We looked around and only saw an old shack and a lot of woods farther along.


We turned around and whoever driving the van was gone. Are you serious?

"I don't think that was our real driver." Yaz said. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." Jill cussed. 

"Oh my go we're gonna die. We got dropped off in the middle of nowhere. Oh my god there's no service." Britney said. 

I started pacing,"We're gonna die, we're gonna die, w'e're gonna -"

"Guys, looks like we're gonna have to walk." Ed said. 

All the other girls had on long gowns and long sleeves while I went for long gown, no sleeves. These heels! 

??? P.O.V

"Lose the kids : check" 


I feel so loved!!! Like Niall when he got that love note from a fan. 


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