23 - News, News, News

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My favorite gif of Zayn on the side. Since I'll be doing the next 5 chapters why not add my fav. gifs. Enjoys!

Jesse .x



I was in my room and, sadly, Carlin was here. I was flicking through channels until I heard styles. I turned back and it was a picture of Ed and Moni and then me off in the distance holding Carlin's hand.

"Harry Styles rejoined the family just to spring off yet again?"

I turned it up.

"Harry Styles enjoyed his evening at Reggie's with girlfriend Carlin Gillinson while his family and friends flee to Miami to attend a service for Edward Styles' former girlfriend. Shouldn't Harry be there for his child and the mother of his child?"

I was gawking at the telly.

"On another note, look at what happen on the plane ride to Florida."

Then they showed a clip of Blair and Ed singing.

"Seconds later Edward posted this on twitter saying 'singing T. Swift on a plane with @Blair_Malik #TheConnection'. This video was also posted on Youtube channel created minutes earlier named The Connection. The video got over 3,000 views in less than 30 minutes. Now the video is up 60 million views. Wow. We caught up with Ed and Blair walking home. Lets see what they had to say about it."

"Ed how do you feel about the amount of views on the video you posted?" A paparazzi asked.

"I think its incredible. Insane really."

"What about you Blair?"

"Yeah. That's a lot of people. Gosh they heard me sing."

"Shut up Blair. You can sing." Ed said hugging her to his side.

"Aww, Young love. On that note, Beddy? People are shipping these two harder that Mickey and Minnie. Blair Malik and Edward Styles have been spending talking via web before they'd even met. Lets hear what their friends have to say."

"They are, like, always talking to each other. Like, they need to be together. Its everyone's, like, OTP." Drake said. Just like his father, he says 'like' in every sentence.

"I want them together but they keep denying it." Jillian said.

"I don't really care. I'm hungry." Chad said. Definitely Niall's son.

"I wonder what the parents have to say? Next week we're having an exclusive interview with The Wanted on a come back of their show, The Wanted Life -"

I picked up my phone and called Moni. Carlin rolled her eyes and said something about going home. What ever. I just hope Monica answers. Now that I know where she is, yeah I wanna go. I mean I need to see my son. He's safe now. I really want to be there for him but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

"Yes, Styles?" she said sighing. She obviously didn't care about me at the moment.

"Why didn't you call me or tell me his was safe? That he was even alive?" I asked shoving my feet in my new white converse -the old ones are pretty worn out- and grabbing my duffel bag from the closet.

"Why do you care? I texted you but you told me you were going for lunch with Carlin."

"I haven't talked to you all yesterday, let alone texting you."

"Then who did it? It wasn't no damn ghost." she said.


"Harry I have to go. MY son wants me to go down to the beach with him."

"Wait! I'll be there."

"Harry -"

"I'll be there okay? I missed out on too much. I will be there."

"Okay." she sighed.


"Bye Harry."

She hung up and I was left listing to the dial tone ringing out in the room. I closed my eyes and whispered even though she cant hear,

"I still love you."


I was lying on a beach towel while everyone else had flocked off somewhere. The adults to the tiki bar, Jacob and Drake having a sand castle contest that Jillian is judging, Yaz, Chad, and Thad in the ocean, and Ed playing with Skyler.

I honestly cant wait to get back to school. I'm a total nerd. And man don't I miss track. I wonder what classes Ed would have when his started coming to our school. Will he have any with me? Will he like having classes with me?

I mean, Ed is perfect. I have no chance against all the other girls at our schools. I, personally, don't think I have special feelings towards Ed. I consider it a skipper crush at the most but I'm also confused by it. Yes. I've read the stories where the girls explains her love for a boy who doesn't see her but they end up in love.

I feel like that girl except Ed is trying to be my friend -not that that's a bad thing and that we aren't cause we are- its just. He's making it harder for me to avoid him. Then he started this whole page and the Beddy rumors, its like people know I like him. Am I that obvious?

"There you go with the thinking again."

I looked up and saw Ed's glistening body standing in front of me, blocking the sun. Water dripping down his chest, creating lines on his sun kissed skin. His once curls flat and brushed back. Smile making me melt on the inside. Get yourself together B! I scolds my self mentally at the thoughts that were running through my head.

"What if I like thinking?"

My smart remark received a approving nod from the boy who still stood over me. He store at me for a while and I started to feel insecure being in only an Adventure Time bikini.

"But still, some people think so much the miss out on reality and right now you're missing out on a warm ocean. I suggest you come with me." he said holding out his hand.

He held a cocky smirk on his face, green eyes pulling me in a trans. I reached out with a smile and grabbed his hand. He quickly yanked me up and we walked to the ocean.

"I want to show you something." he said barley above a whisper and out bodies became less and less visible the further we went.

I didn't say anything but I continued to walk until we were floating. He nodded and we both sucked in air until our faced filled and we descended under the surface of the water.

It was beautiful. Multicolour shells lay to rest on reefs and the sandy bottom of the ocean. I looked at Ed and he smiled at me. I returned it and we swam closer to the shells. I pointed to one that was a sparkling; it was blue, purple, and a sandy yellow colour. Ed picked it up and also a matching one. I looked back at him and slowly we leaned in until our lips touched.

Sparks shot through my body making the moment 30 times better. My legs wrapped them selves around his waist and his hand stayed on mine. My arms rested against his shoulders. We pulled apart when we heard our names being shouted from above.

I looked at Ed and we swam up quickly and saw our family off on the shore. Ed waved happily and they all looked relieved that are okay.

I just kissed Ed.


Written by Jes cause Bre is busy. Love you bye.

Jesse .x

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