43 - Bad Thoughts & Horrid People

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Hi. Bye.




Chapter 43 | Bad Thoughts & Horrid People

--Blair's POV--

Why dose everyone expect me to be perfect? I'm not perfect. I'm not flawless. I'm not beautiful.

I'm merely human.

Just another space of gas on earth. Just another form of a person. I live on this land fill of a planet just like everyone else. Why do people expect so much from me? I'm just a 15 year old girl born in London, England. Both of my parents just happen to be famous. That's not my fault. They followed their dreams. I'm trying to get through the first day of tour and I cant even get through the airport with out being judged on my apperance.

Maybe I have anxiety.

I always wanna know what people are thinking. I'm always nervous. Espically if its about me. Why would people think about me? I'm not that special. Am I? No. I was born famous and ya know, sometime I wish I wasn't. I think I'd be better non-famous. I can see it now. Drake the hot quaterback that every girl swoons over who is my brother while I'm the nerd no one talks to in the library reading books and then Edward. The exchange student that has all the girls head-over-heels for him. I fall in love with him and he doesn't know.

Did I really just think that?

Am I over reacting or is it just time to face reality that only my family actually give at least 2 shits about me?

"No. You aren't over reacting Blair. No one likes you." I said to myself while I sat our and store at the rain.

Irony decided to take its toll and rain right after the interview. It was 2 AM and I'm sitting on the hotel balcony, looking down on New York City. People scrabble to their cars--why are you out at 2 AM?--while holding books over their heads to reduce the amount of rain that dampens them. I had a nice cuppa and some brownies room service brought up earlier as a gift. I didn't eat them. I don't need to eat. I'm fat.

I listened quietly as the rain plunged to the ground with such force; steam coming from the roads making the sky even more gray as the time went by.

"Why you up at this un-godly hour?"

I jumped and turned my head to see Edward leaning on the metal door railing.

"Just thinking."

He sighed. "Here we go again with the thinking." He walked out, with a key in his hands just in case the door closed on us, and pulled a chair up to me.

"Edward, have you ever felt that the weight of the whole world is on your shoulders?" I asked.

"Who hasn't?" He said with a chuckle.

We sat in silence for a while and listened to the rain. Edward slowly removed the cup from my hands and placed it on the tiny table the brownies were on.

"Why do you listen to what people say about you?" He asked.

"I don't know. Because no one will tell me different."

"I do. I tell you everyday."

"Its not that easy to get rid of insecurities for everyone Ed."

"What do I need to do to prove to you that you are beautiul, that you have people who love you, that I love you, and that no one is gonna change that?"

I looked at him and he picked me up before carefully sitting me on his lap. He held around my waist and left butterfly kisses all over my cheek. I never understood why some one would flutter their eyelashes against someone else and they would like it, but once someone has done it to you, you'll understand exactly why.

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