45 - Odd Questions

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Chapter 45 | Odd Questions

--Edward's POV--

Well, today we are going to an interview, then we're all going out in 'partners', and last we're busing to California. It will literally take and entire day to get there so its just road stops for us.

I had just woken up and my neck hurts like shit because I was sleeping on the couch. I gave my parents my room because it seemed like the better thing to do 1. because they are my parents and 2. their room didn't clear. I picked them up at 3:56 AM and we got back at 4:32 AM. Its 12:35 and no one woke up. I trudged into the kitchen and say in one of the bar stools. Everyone looked up at me but I just slammed my head on the table. I'm so tired and my whole body hurts and my throat hurts, everything hurts. Today just isn't my day.

"Ed are you okay?" Blair asked from beside me.

I shook my head and my eyes widened as I placed my hand over my mouth. I ran to the bathroom and crouched down over the toilet before emptying the contents of my mouth. I tried to stop but it kept coming and if you know what its like to chuck up then you also know how horrible it it.

"Ed, I called a nurse." Mom said coming in the very tiny bathroom and rubbing my back. I nodded and got up from the floor, flushing the toilet. I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth. I walked out the bathroom and slouched onto the couch. I pulled out my phone and logged onto twitter.

JoStyles : going to and ultrasound with aunt @GemmaAnneStyles. To bad @Ed_Styles isn't here :( miss ya.

Ed_Styles : miss ya too @JoStyles. Don't go havin' no baby without me.

JoStyles : no promises ^.^

Harry_Styles : kids twit.pic.sjslfbs83b739n4bd9

There was a picture of me, B, Chad, Thadd, Brit, Drake, Yaz, and Jill all on our phones. I laughed and liked it.

Ed_Styles : its the story of my life dad @Harry_Styles

Harry_Styles : need to wash them dishes @Ed_Styles

Ed_Styles : :( mooooooooooooom @Monica_Jacobs

Monica_Jacobs : get off twitter boys ur embarrassing me :P @Harry_Styles and @Ed_Jacobs

I laughed and tossed my phone on the table. I laid my head on Blair's lap and she ran her fingers through my hair. Thank you. So much. I closed my eyes and was out like a light.

--Monica's POV-- 

We were all laughing slightly at Ed snoring from Blair's lap. He looks like such a baby when he sleeps.

"He sounds like you." I whispered to Harry.

Jesus, Harry sounds like a motor boat when he sleeps. And man is it hard to get him up in the morning. But I love my boys.

"I'm not that loud." He said.

"Oh yeah you are." I said laughing. He pouted and I kissed his cheek. "Its aright darlin'. You're still a cutie pie."

There was a knock at the door so I got up and answered it since everyone else was to lazy. Teenagers . . . Oh and Harry.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Turner but you can call me Natilie."

I nodded. "Monica, but you can call me Monica." I laughed. Moni is for close people only.

"Well, Miss Monica, where's the boy?"

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