37 - Tonight Was A Bust But Its My Fault

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Chapter 37| Tonight Was A Bust But Its My Fault

-Edward's POV-

This morning was different. When I walked down stairs both of my parents were at the table looking in a wedding magazine; both wore huge smiles and were laughing, looking genuinely happy. Then I remembered Tori gave me a note I never read (A/N: ch. 16). I jogged back up stairs and searched through from draw to draw, and shelf to shelf until I found a white envelop. I opened it and sat on my bed. I smiled.

Thanks for an amazing year. I'm gonna miss you.

In the letter were a bunch of pictures from this year all throughout school and a few from late last year around August. I took the pictures and pinned them to the board on my wall along with the other I recently took. I walked back down stairs and greeted both my parents before raiding the fridge. There was a sub on the second shelf and it was taunting me. I know its dads but he wouldn't mind it I took a bite. I mean its just a -

"Don't do it."

I turned to look at my parents and my dad was glaring at me. I sighed and grabbed some frozen waffles out the freezer and placed them in the toaster. I sat down ontop of the island in the middle of the kitchen and took my phone out my pocket. I checked my messages and I had 1 from Drake.


Got my car! Woo! I would let you ride with me and the lads but the girls still need a ride and since Blair and you are and item and Britney is your cousin, they already called dibs on riding with you. Sorry man :/


Its alright dude. No harm done.

My waffles popped up so grabbed them and popped one in my mouth before slipping my feet in some Rainbow® Flip Flops. Today I went for the casual Miami look even though this is London. Tank top, jeans, and flip flops. Just then my phone buzzed again.


Can you drive me to school? I have no one to take me. You don't have to if you don't want to.

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