Chapter 85

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He lets go of my hands and walks away. Great. I feel like a complete jackass now. He got something for the kids and I completely thought he was cheating on me. "Ryan wait!" I shout. He stops in his tracks and turns around. "What?" He said feeling like I slapped him in the face.

"Ryan, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Tears start streaming down my face. He walks towards me and hugs me hard. "Babe please don't cry. I don't blame you for thinking that way. You've been hurt before and that was the least thing I ever wanted to do." He said kissing my forehead. "The excuse I came up with, I.. I panicked and it was stupid I know." I lay my head on his firm chest.

"Will you ever forgive me?" Asked Ryan looking me in the eyes. He suddenly he looks at me funny. "What? I say questioningly. "You're eyes." He said. "Oh great! They changed color again haven't they? I asked him. He nods his head. I walk into the downstairs bathroom and see that my eyes are violet? How is that possible? First they went from brown to gray, now they're going from gray to violet?

What the hell? I run out from the bathroom. "Ryan? My eyes are purple." I say as he sits down on the piano bench. "I know honey I'm calling my dad now."

"Hey bud! I didn't expect to hear from you so soon how are you and Kimberly doing with the pregnancy? Did you guys find out the sex of the baby?"

"Yeah we did. We're having both a boy and a girl."

"You're having twins? That's great!!"

"Yeah dad, umm hey, Kimberly's eye color is changing again does that have to do with the pregnancy?"

"It depends. What color are they?"



"That's incredible! That means she's an alpha!"

"An alpha? But I thought I was the alpha in the pack?"

"Ryan, you're the Alpha male. You're eyes will soon change as well. How long has Kimberly been a werewolf?"

"About three months."

"Three months?!?! And her eye color has changed twice. That's incredible it is very rare. Honestly I don't think that has ever happened before but I have heard stories of a female werewolf becoming an alpha with psychic powers."

Ryan looked up at me and smiled weakly. I blushed.

"So you're saying she can predict the future?"

"In a nutshell, yeah she can."

I feel myself start to get hungry, so I walk into the kitchen to make breakfast. Suddenly I start I see Ryan sneeze. "Bless you!" I shout from the kitchen. "What?" Answered Ryan, then suddenly he sneezes. "What the fuck?" Said Ryan. "Dad, I'll call you back, I love you." He hangs up the phone and walks into the kitchen.

"How did you know I was going to sneeze?" Asked Ryan feeling concerned. "I... I don't know. I just saw you sneeze so I just said bless you that's all." "So what my dad said is true." He said concerned. "What did he say? I asked him as I place his breakfast on the counter.

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