Chapter 46

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I wake up in the middle of the night scared. I look up and I see Ryan sleeping and holding me in his arms. I place my head back onto his chest and his little chest hairs starts to tickle my nose. I realize that I love this man more than anything in the world and I will do anything I can to protect him. I mean he protected me right? "Honey it's three in the morning go back to sleep." He says with his eyes closed. I move my head up and kiss him on the cheek and he kisses my forehead. "I love you Ryan." I whisper. "I love you too honey now go back to sleep." He says yawning.   The sun hits my eyes and I feel too warm. I feel Ryan pulling me closer to him. "Last night was incredible babe." He says as he kisses my neck. "Really hun?" I say turning myself to look at him in the eyes. "You have the most amazing brown eyes I have ever seen." He continues to kiss my neck. "But honey my eyes are gray now." I say. "I know but I met you with brown eyes and they will always be brown to me." He says straddling me, pinning my hands above my head and kissing me passionately and I knew our conversation was over.    Honey, do you want breakfast?" I call out to him from the kitchen. "Yeah babe, just make me anything." He shouts back. I decide to make Ryan, scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. As I start making the pancakes he hugs me from behind. "You look beautiful wearing my shirt." He says as he kisses my cheek. "Honey, you're going to make me burn the pancakes." I say giggling at him. He back away and sits down at the table. "I hope you're hungry, we have a long day ahead of us." I say placing both our plates on the table.    "Really? Where are we going?" Asked Ryan. "Well, I was reading your mind just now and we're gonna go rock climbing and from there go to LA to meet up with the guys so the band can perform on American Idol. If I'm not mistaken?" I say confidently. "It seems I've taught you well." He says as he takes a bite from his breakfast. "Speaking of teaching, you're going to continue to teach me how to fight in both human form as well as wolf form." I say to him telepathically. "Woah, that's too much."  he said and I giggle at him.   "These pancakes are amazing!" Exclaimed Ryan. "What'd you put them?" He asked. "Ancient Chinese Secret.... Just kidding I put some cinnamon in them that's all." I said laughing with him. "Well come on babe, we should start heading out." He said finishing what little amount of food  he had left on his plate.     We park outside a campsite, where a man with a black beard greets us. "Hey John, I'd like you to meet my wife Kimberly." Said Ryan shaking his hand. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Ryan has told me a lot about you." John says shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too John." I say to him. "So Ryan, you gonna do the usual?" Asked John turning to Ryan. "Yeah the usual only this time I won't be alone." He says squeezing my hand. As John goes into the shed, Ryan pulls me into his embrace and kisses me deeply. "Why are you so amazing?" I say to Ryan, we pull away and he flashes his amazing smile at me.    John comes back from the shed with two harnesses, nylon rope, and some hooks. "Here you go guys, if you need any help you know where to find me." He said. "We'll start with that place over there." Said Ryan. We get to one of the mountains. "Kim you ever been rock climbing?" He asked me. "Do the ones with the colorful rocks count?" I squeak. He chuckles, "Just follow my lead." He said as he began fastening my harness first.   He then fastens his harness and says,  "Just follow my lead." He says as he kisses my forehead and starts climbing. I climb behind him. "Keep light on your feet, pretend your a spider climbing." He says to me. "I start climbing faster and pass Ryan , then out nowhere, my foot gets caught between two rocks. "Ryan! Help!" I say to him. "Hold on baby, I got you." He says coming up behind me and tries to move the one of the rocks. "Agh!" I scream out in pain. "I gotcha babe just hold on to me. I wrap my arms around Ryan's neck.   Finally, Ryan manages to pull my ankle free. "Does your ankle hurt?" Asked Ryan. "No honey I'm fine." I say and continue to climb. We finally make it to the top of the mountain. "The view is just incredible." I say looking out over the trees. "That's Colorado for you." Said Ryan as he came from behind and hugs my waist.   After the rock climbing and hiking we get home, get dressed and head back to the airport. "Next stop LA." Said Ryan as we board the plane. About 2 hours later, we finally get to LAX and meet the guys and August. "Hey guys how was the honeymoon?" Asked Eddie laughing. "We're still not done with the honeymoon Ed." Said Ryan. "It's just the beginning." About a few minutes later we get to the hotel near the airport.

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