Chapter 79

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"This just in! Ryan Tedder fiancé tied officially tied the knot!" We hear the television say and we both turn around to watch. "It seems that the OneRepublic front man married his girlfriend Kimberly Alvarez the week of his band's release of their third Album "Native". As the tv reporter went on, Ryan turned to me and said, "Took them long enough to report this." "I wonder how long will it take them to find out that I'm pregnant." I giggle.

"I love it when you're this happy with me." Said Ryan placing his head on my shoulder. "That's because you make me happy Ryan." I reply gently stroking his hair. Mr. And Mrs. Tedder? The doctor will see you now. Said the flirty receptionist completely batting her eyelashes at him as we both walk by. Ugh the nerve of that chick. I say to myself. "Baby take it easy." Said Ryan telepathically.

"Right sorry." I think back to him. Dr. Greene greets us in his office. "Ryan, how good to see you again." Said the doctor as he shook my husband's hand. He was a very nice man with warm eyes, tall, and graying black hair and beard. "Nice to see you again Dr. Greene, I'd like you to meet my wife Kimberly." The doctor extends his hand and I shake it firmly. "So you're Kimberly?" He said with amusement. I nod. "Yes sir I am." I smile weakly.

"Alright so you're here for the ultrasound is that right?" Asked the friendly doctor. "Yes sir, we are." I reply. "Alright, both of you follow me." Said the doctor as he got up walked towards the door. "Oh Ryan, I'm so nervous." I whisper while squeezing his hand. "I know honey me too." He answered squeezing my hand. "Okay Mrs. Tedder, please lay on the table here and lift up your blouse up to your chest.

I look at Ryan and he nods his head in reassurance. I laid down on the table and lifted up my shirt up enough to cover my bra. "Okay, Kimberly I'm going to put this jelly on your stomach to see the baby. He applies a clear blue gel and rubs my stomach. He then grabs a wand and starts running it along my belly. Ryan sat down next to me holding my hand.

"Now I want you two to look at the screen." Said the doctor. Then suddenly we hear a heartbeat. "Oh my god honey you hear that?" I say in excitement. " yeah babe." He said kissing my forehead. Then suddenly we hear another heartbeat. "Another heartbeat?" I say in surprised. We look at the screen and we see two little heart beats. "Congratulations Ryan and Kimberly. You're going to have twins.

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