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"If I lose myself" starts to play in the background, and I realize it's the alarm on my phone going off. "Shit!" I say groggily. I shut off the alarm and get up from bed. Ryan is still sound asleep. I take the blanket and and cover him. I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I get dressed and call August. 

"Hey Kim what's up?" 

"Is Brent home?" 

No he just left to your house why?" 

"Oh okay. I'm going to your house now to pick you up to get and hair done. We have to look nice for our boys." 

"Yeah you're right. Let me just get dressed." 

"Alright I'll be there in about 20." 

"Great! See ya later!"

"Okay bye!"

"You're leaving?" Says Ryan sleepily as his phone starts ringing. "Yes honey. I'm gonna go pick up August to get both our hair and nails done for the wedding." I say to him as I kiss him on the forehead. "I gotta go hun. I left you some breakfast on the table I love you." I say as open the door. "Hey Kim!" Says Brent in surprise. "Hey Brent. I saved you some breakfast as well." I say as I walked passed him. 

I put on my helmet walking out of the hotel as paparazzi start to surround me. "Kimberly is true that you and Ryan are getting married?" Says one of the photographers as he snaps a picture but I brush off the question. I hop on the bike and take off like a bullet. 


"August it's me I'm outside your house."

"Okay I'll be right down."

She gets out of the house and I hand her a helmet. "Who are all those people after you?" Asked August. "I turn back and see that the paparazzi are starting to swarm up. "Get on!" I shout at her. She gets on and we take off. I start to swerve into traffic to shake them off like last time.

"Let me know if they continue to follow us okay?" I shout to August over the oncoming traffic. She gives me a thumbs up. "They're gaining on us!" Shouts August. I find a ramp-like truck bed. I speed up and drive the bike towards it. "Kim?! What are you doing?!" Shouts August. "Getting rid of those idiots!" I shout back. I hit the ramp and go over three cars and drive into an alley.

"We lost them." Said August finally and I slow down. We get our hair and nails done and I decide to call my future husband (in a matter of hours). 

"Talk to me." 

"Hi honey it's me." 

"Hi baby how's everything?" 

"Everything is good baby except the fact and dozens of paparazzi followed us." 

"Are you serious? The same thing happened to Brent and I!" 

"Honey are you okay?" 

"Yes sweetie. I'm fine. Are you girls getting ready?" 

"Yes baby we're going to Brent and august's house to get ready." 

"Okay babe, Brent and I are on our way home I already texted everyone the address of the wedding." 

"I know I can see you but I know you're doing your half smile." 

"You know me so well." 

"Okay Ryan I gotta go." 

"Me too baby. I love you." 

"I love you too."

We get to august's house and start getting ready. "How do I look?" I ask August as I turn towards her. "Oh.. My... God... You look amazing!!!" She said. I look in the mirror and I don't look like myself. I'm wearing my strapless Vera Wang dress, red lipstick and my hair is styled in a old glam Hollywood curls. "Ryan is gonna be very surprised when he sees you like this." August says as she pulls me in for a hug.

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