Chapter 8

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"Give me your money and put you hands up!" Yelled the man with lead pipe. Ryan takes out his wallet puts it on the floor, kicks it over to him and and raises his hands over his head. "Listen man, we don't want any trouble I gave you my wallet that should be enough." The man holding the knife starts to circle around me and says, "I don't think so." He turns to the man holding up Ryan. "Looks like he has a pretty little girlfriend here." He snarls. I smell the nicotine on his breath and I start to feel sick.

The man wraps his arm with the blade around my throat. My eyes dart to Ryan. He looks so calm. "Let her go." He says cooly. "Ryan help me." I beg. The man presses the blade on my throat. "What are you gonna do about it?" Chimed the guy with the crowbar Ryan walked right into the crowbar-twirling man and got into his face. Either you let go of my girlfriend or I will get physical. He snarls. The man with the lead pipe comes from behind to attack Ryan and I scream, "Ryan look out behind you!" Ryan turns around and grabs the crowbar and hits the guy with the lead pipe and punches the other guy in the face. The man staggers back and charges in his direction while the other mugger grabs Ryan in a bear hug. This created enough distraction for me to make my move. I step on the guy holding me at knife point and stumbles back, I kicked him in the groin making direct contact. "You fucking bitch!" He groans as I then kick him in the head.

Meanwhile, Ryan is fighting two men and they have him cornered. I pick up the crowbar that Ryan dropped, and hit one of them in the back of the head. I pick up Ryan's wallet which was still on the floor and put it in my pocket. Ryan now has a fighting chance. The mugger swung at Ryan with the pipe and he blocked it with his forearm, I tossed the crowbar to Ryan and he catches it and hits the guy on the side of the head. He collapses and I run towards Ryan where he's gasping for air. "Oh my god Ryan are you okay?" My eyes start to get hot and my vision starts to get blurry.

"I'm..... Fine..." He replies between breaths, "are.... You.... Ok?" He asked me. "Yes baby thank you for saving me." Then all of a sudden, Ryan passes out. "Ryan!" I scream in horror. I see he had a huge gash on the left side of his body. What do I do now? How are we gonna get back? With no options, I rip off his shirt and wrap it around the wound. I noticed he has bruises on his ribs too.

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