Chapter 23

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"That's great! You just give me directions as we go along." "Errr Ryan I was wondering if I can drive the motorcycle since I do know where the bowling alley is." I mutter loud enough where he can hear me. "Uh yeah sure. But I'm getting us home deal?" He says smiling at me.

We get to the parking lot and I hop on the bike first. "You look hot getting on the bike first and stuff." He says jokingly. I decided to wear black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, tan boots, and a leather jacket. "I have to look like a biker riding this thing. By the way honey, your nipples are showing." I say joking back at him. He looks down and says, "Boys have nipples too!" And I lose it completely. "What the fuck?!?! Hahahaha!!" I almost fall off the bike laughing. "I like seeing you laugh. It means I'm doing my job as a boyfrie- errr fiancé." He says sincerely.

"I love you Ryan." "I love you too Kimberly." We speed off out of the parking lot and out into the street, where dozens of paparazzi began to surround us taking photos and asking Ryan questions. "Hey Ryan! Is that your girlfriend?" "What's going on with the new album?" And stuff like that. Ryan turned to me and said, "Stop the bike real quick." "Are you sure honey?" He nods and I stop the motor. Ryan gets off the bike and stands on a little ledge holding plants. He asked a man who was holding a mega phone if he can use it and the man kindly gives it to him.

He turns it on and says. "Ladies and gentleman of the paparazzi and or tabloids, I would just like to announce that the album "Native"drops tomorrow  March 26th. And to answer your other question, this beautiful woman here, is my fiancé." I blush automatically as they start taking photos of me. He hops off the ledge and onto the bike. "Drive baby drive!!" He shouts. I turn on the ignition and speed off down the street. He turns his head back. "Shit they're gaining on us!" He shouts. I speed up and swerve between traffic. "We lost them." He says letting out a huge sigh.

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