Chapter 75

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We leave the recording studio hand in hand talking when out of nowhere we stop in front of the pet store where I saw the American Eskimo puppy. "I'll be right back babe." Said Ryan as he walked inside the pet store. A few minutes later he walks out with the puppy in his ams. "Honey, say hi to our new addition to the family, besides Ryan Jr." He said laughing. I grab the puppy, and he starts licking my face. "Hi little guy." I say using my baby voice. "You adopted him?" I say looking up at Ryan.

"We adopted him babe." He says kissing my forehead. "What should we name him?" I asked him sweetly. "Hmmmm how about..." He stares at the puppy. "Milo? Lets name him Milo." He said after a minute. "Milo's a wonderful name honey. Isn't that right Milo?" And Milo starts wagging his tail like crazy.

We finally arrive at his parents house in Colorado Springs. They greet us at the door as we get out from the car. "Hi sweetie!" Called out Ryan's stepmother as she rushed towards me to give me a hug. "Hey bud how you've been?" Said Ryan's father grabbing Ryan and hugging him. "Come on in kids!" Exclaimed his mother. The house is very beautiful and very cozy.

You can can see the city lights from here. "It's wonderful isn't it?" said Ryan as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Oh honey it's lovely." I say resting my head on his chest. "Ryan?, Kimberly? Dinner's ready." Shouted Ryan's dad. "Oh Ryan is there anything I should avoid doing? I really want to make a good first impression." I ask nervously. "Well, for starters, we say grace first before we actually eat. I never do it but since its my parents' house I have to do it." He says smirking at me.

We walk into the dining room and sit side by side. The food looks amazing I feel as if I was eating a thanksgiving feast. There was a turkey, mashed potatoes, everything you can think of. "Man, I'm starving! I feel I can eat everything on here!" Said Ryan trying to pull a fast one but his mom smacked his hand away. "Ryan, you have to say grace first." She said chastising him.

We hold hands and say grace, and finally we get to eat. "Wow, this food is amazing." I say to his mom. We finish eating and Ryan's father comes out with red wine and starts serving us. "Errr Mr. Tedder?" I ask softy. "Please, call me Garry." He said sweetly. "Errm Garry, may I have a glass of water or Orange Juice instead?" I mutter loud enough for him to hear me. "Uh yeah sure! You don't drink?" He asked in surprise. "No, I do but I have a special occasion why I won't be drinking tonight... Or for nine months." I say putting my hands on my belly.

"Oh my god sweetheart! Congratulations!!" Jumped Ryan's mom with pure joy. "You're finally giving me a grandson bud!" Said Ryan's father as they gave each other manly hugs. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Asked his mom. "We're not sure, I set up an appointment with Dr. Greene. So we're going next week." Responded Ryan, after taking a sip of his wine.

We wave goodbye. And drive home. "I think your parents like me." I say to Ryan sweetly. "Of course they did. What's not to like about you? You're funny, sweet, talented, intelligent, and very beautiful." He said looking at me. "They did not say that!" I say playfully smacking his arm. "Okay the last one was just me." He said winking at me. "Oh Ryan, you're such a goofball." I snort at him.

We arrive in front of the house. Ryan gets out from the car, goes around it, and opens the door for me. "My lady." He says as he extends his hand out and I take it. He opens the door and I walk inside. "Are you tired babe?" He asked me. I shake my head. "Good me either." He replies doing that sexy half smile at me and I melt. He pulls me to his embrace and kisses me passionately. I take off his hat, and run my fingers through his hair, letting out a soft moan.

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