Chapter 31

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Then he notices something, "what's that on your ankle." He says pointing at my foot. I flush. "Oh uh nothing!" I exclaimed. I try to hide my foot but it was too late, Ryan grabbed my leg with his good arm and placed it on his lap. I try to wiggle my foot out of his grip but I fail. "What does that say, 'pari passu'. Did you get a tattoo?" Ryan says in surprise. The guys all get up, say their goodbyes and leave. 

"Uh yeah." I squeak. Holy crap he's gonna yell at me. "It's the same one I have. Why'd you get it?" He asked. "I got it for you and I also got another one done too." "Really?" He says in surprise, "Where?" I lift up my shirt and show him. "You have a tattoo on your ribcage?" Says Ryan in surprise. "Yeah. It's says 'Carpe Diem'." "Seize the day?" 

Ryan asked. "Yeah with everything that's happened lately, I just wanted to live like I'm going to die tomorrow. I'm sorry for not telling you." I said to him nervously. 

He hugs me. "It's okay baby why haven't you told me earlier?" He asked. "I wanted to surprise you baby." I mutter. "Surprise me? For what? Like if we were to get intimate with each other?" He says winking at me. "What? No." I laugh nervously. "Oh. Speaking of Carpe Diem, can I ask you something?" He asked me. "Of course sweetie?" 

"Well now that we're engaged, I was wondering when do you exactly want to  get married?" He asked nervously. "Whenever you want to get married." I say to him sweetly. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to get married Saturday before we go our European tour. And I want to bring you with me." "You're going on tour? Why haven't you told me?" I exclaim at him. "I'm sorry with everything that happened I didn't know how to tell you. I'm sorry baby." He says looking down at his hands.

I lean over and kiss him on the lips. "It's okay honey I understand. And to answer your question, yes. Let's get married Saturday." I say happily. "Really honey?" He says happily. "Yes baby really." He hugs me and kisses me. "I love you so much baby." "I love you too babe." "I'm gonna go make a few phone calls for the wedding." Said Ryan as he got up and headed towards the music room. 

We both start making phone calls. I decided to call August. 


"Hey August it's me Kimberly." 

"Oh hey Kimberly what's up?" 

"Nothing much only Ryan and I are getting married on Saturday."

"Oh my god no way!!!!" 

We giggle like 4 year old girls.

"August, I was actually wondering if you would do me the honor of being my maid of honor." 

"Oh my god yes I'd love too!" 

"Great! I need help with finding a dress." 

"Don't worry I know somebody who can help with the wedding you just worry about the dress." 

"Thanks August you're the best." 

"Alright I gotta get back to work I'll talk to you later Kim." 

"Oh okay bye."


"Hey babe, Brent, Zach and I are going to look for a tux for the wedding." Said Ryan as I got off the phone. "Okay baby August and I are going dress shopping and then after I'm going with Drew and Eddie to pick up some decorations." I say to him sweetly. "Why honey?" He asked. "I want a simple wedding nothing too big." I say to him. "That's my girl!" He says smiling at me.

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