Chapter 24

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"Can't wait for tomorrow's paper." I say sarcastically. "What's that supposed to mean?" He says feeling offended. "I'm saying I'm so not looking forward for the phone calls tomorrow telling me why I haven't told anybody." "Oh. I thought you meant it as you were ashamed of going out with me." He says sadly. "No sweetie. I never meant it that way. You know how much I love you. And I'm not ashamed. Why would I be?" I say comfortingly. "I don't know my insecurity got the best of me I guess."   "Ryan Tedder? Insecure? Wow! That's a first." I say jokingly as we get to the parking lot of the Lucky Strike Bowling alley. "Shut up." He says lightly punching my shoulder. I take him by the hand and walk with him into the lobby. A young woman with short blonde hair and bright red lipstick comes out and says, "Hi welcome to Lucky Strike do you have a reservation?" She staring way too long at Ryan. Then all of a sudden, "Hey Maurice over here!!!" I see Brent yelling out. "Maurice? Who the hell is Maurice?" Then Ryan says casually, "Yo Brent!!"    And I realize he's wearing his, "Some people call me.... Maurice" t-shirt.   Little Miss bright red lipstick walks us over to Brent and August's table. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked Ryan and myself while fluttering her eyes at Ryan. "Back off bitch! He's mine!" I curse at her in my mind. "Easy babe." Says Ryan telepathically squeezing my hand visibly for Little Miss bright red lipstick to see. "I'll have a bourbon on the rocks." Answered Ryan.    "I'll also have a bourbon on the rocks." I say sweetly and Ryan looks at me. "What? I like to drink from time to time." I say telepathically. He smiled at me. "Where have you been all my life?" He says kissing my cheek for the waitress who was trying to flirt with him to see and she gives me a dirty look. She walks away, and August turns to me. "Hi! I'm August Brent's girlfriend we haven't formally introduced ourselves." She says extending her hand out.   "Nice to meet you I'm Kimberly Ryan's fiancé." I say shaking her hand. "Oh my god did you see the way that waitress was trying to flirt with Ryan?" She says. "Yeah I did. But at least Ryan kissed me showing her that he's mine haha." She giggles, "She tried to do the same thing with Brent. But he didn't fall for it either." The waitress comes back with our drinks. She places Ryan's drink on the table neatly and then grabs my drink and places it on the corner of the table were it falls off and I catch it in mid air. She gives me another dirty look and walks away. "Ugh! Can you believe her?" Says August in disgust. "Ehh it's okay she's just jealous I guess." We head to our assigned lane and Brent says,    "Okay how should we do this? Couple versus couple? Boys against girls? August and Maurice versus Kimberly and myself? Shirts versus skins?" "Girls being the skins." Ryan chimed in and I pinch him. "Ouch!" He says and I giggle. "We can start with girls versus boys, then do August and RYAN versus Brent and I and then do couple versus couple." I suggest. "Oh my god that sounds like a great idea!" Exclaimed August.    "Alright then. May the best team win." Says Ryan as he winks at me. "Come on Maurice." Says Brent placing his hand on Ryan's shoulder. Ryan puts our names in the monitor and start playing. The first game, Ryan and Brent beat August and I and won by a few points, the second game, Brent and I beat Ryan and August also by a few points. The last game we had to redo a few times because Brent thought that Ryan and I were cheating.

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