Chapter 35 "Truth Hurts"

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The camping trip ended as Friday and Saturday passed and at 8:00 PM on Saturday the students went back to their houses and slept for school in the morning.

Sunday 7:00 AM

First class was Maths.

In Maths Class.

Mr. Paul entered the class, He wrote something on the board and explained the lesson then he sat down.

"Tomorrow there will be a big test and there will be gifts for anyone to take the full mark in it." Mr.Paul said to the class.

"What is that gift?" Dolph asked.

"Why are you asking! You have never ever take a good mark in Maths." Mr. Paul said.

"That's embarrassing..." Dolph said and sat down.

" are a fool. We all know who are the ones who will take the full mark! Of course Brock and Kevin and maybe Neville because he is a nerd...and I don't know about Seth but Mr. Paul certainly will not give Seth a gift if he took the full mark because Seth talked to him in a disrespectful way last week." Miz said to Dolph in a low voice.

"I want someone to help me now in checking the homework, Who is the representative of this class?" Mr. Paul asked.

"I am the representative of the class and of the whole WWE High School!" Seth said.

"You?! I can't believe it's you! How can they let you represent the whole school!! I don't think you can even represent that class well!" Mr. Paul said mocking Seth who was so angry but couldn't answer to not but himself in problems with Brock again.

Maths class ended and it was time for Activity Class.

In Activity class

Art Class.

Mrs. Vickie asked the students to draw a water fall and everyone started drawing...Vickie found Dean's drawing was the best as usual so she told him that she is gonna take him to a drawing competition where he can win a big prize if he won the competition!

In Journalism Class.

Mr. Brad asked the students to continue the school magazine so everyone started working.

In acting class.

Mr. Jericho told the students that they are gonna make a preview of the play and told everyone to stand in his place.

Everyone stranded in his place and the play started with Miz and Lana who are the heros of the play....Miz said his words then it was Lana's turn, Lana said the words that was written in her script.

"Back in time.....nearly a month ago, Summer Rae changed some words in Lana's script after Lana replaced Summer as the hero of the play....Summer wrote some funny and stupid words in Lana's script to make her looks stupid"

Lana said the words in her script and as she was saying them, Everybody started laughing at her including Mr. Jericho....Lana felt embarrassed and she stopped at once!

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