Chapter 1

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Do you believe in love at first sight?

Honestly I didn't at first. I thought it was a cliché.

I was just coming out of my job working as an assistant to the editor at Rolling Stone magazine and I was kind of in a rush with since I had some reports to do. I was reading an email when I bumped into someone and all my files and reports fall to the floor.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I exclaim as I bend down and pick up the papers.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." Said a male voice as he also bent down to help me pick up my papers.

We both look up at each other and there it was. A strange spark between us.

"Hi!" He says, I think I might've heard his breath hitch.

"Hi!" I reply back.

He picks up the remaining papers off the ground and hands them to me.

"My name is Ryan Tedder and you are?" He asks.

"Kimberly Tedd- I mean Alvarez."

Crap!! I have never stuttered in front of a guy before but there's something mysterious about him and the weird thing is that I like it.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you." I said with guilt.

I looked down at him noticed I had spilled coffee on him.

"Oh my god I am so sorry for spilling coffee on you!" I squeaked, feeling embarrassed.

He looks down, " Oh I didn't even notice that." He chuckled.

"Speaking of coffee, I know this is gonna sound weird but I was heading over to Starbucks to get some would you like to come with me?" He asked nervously.

"That's very nice of you." I replied.

"But I have these reports to do for work." I added as I shuffled my papers in order.

"I can help you if you'd like and please it'll be my treat." He smiles at me.

Wow he has an amazing smile.

"Hmmm okay". I answered.

"But only since you're inviting me." I laugh as we start walking towards the Starbucks.

I realized his jacket is stained from the coffee. "Uh Ryan, your jacket is stained." I said softly and looked away from him.

He looks down and takes off his jacket.

"You don't look at people in the eye much do you?" He says.

I look at him and I blush. He has the most amazing gray-blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Only when I'm not working." I mutter.

"Well then, you should keep your chin up more often that way people can look at those big brown eyes of yours." He replies with a sincere smile.

Why am I getting nervous around him? I mean yes, the guy is hot. Dirty blonde hair with greenish, grayish, blueish eyes, and the way he dresses is impeccable. (Sorry my inner fashionista came out).

But I've met guys like him and none of them seem to spark any interest. However with Ryan Tedder, I get butterflies in my stomach. Anyways, we get to Starbucks and Ryan asks me finally, "what would you like?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I answered sweetly.

"Come on Miss Alvarez my treat." He says jokingly.

"Fine." I replied. "I'll just get coffee more milk than coffee." I continue.

"One or two sugar packets?"

"Get me two packets." I answer.

"Okay coming right up sugar." He winked at me.

I flush pink. Oh my, I haven't met the guy for half an hour and I get nervous as if I was in high school again. A few moments later he comes back with both our coffees. We start talking and I'm interested in everything he says and he's interested in everything I say.

"I take it that you're not white?" Ryan says casually.

"No. I'm not how did you know?" I ask in surprise.

"I can tell by your body type and how you look. You come from a South American and European background if I'm not mistaken." He says nonchalantly.

What the fuck? I haven't even told him what my nationality is and he hits the nail on the head.

He leans in a little and whispers, "Please stop biting your lip. You've been doing that every time I speak."

I let go not even realizing that I was biting my lip the entire time. I blush another shade of red.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't realize that I was." I said nervously.

He smirks at me.

"I am an American. My mother is Colombian and my father is Italian." I say softly.

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