A Day at the Beach-Pretty much Everyone?(Mostly?)

Start from the beginning

"Can't believe you idjits made me come here. I'm hot, sweaty, and tired,"Bobby complained.

"Poor bub. Would you like a piña colada?" Crowley snapped his fingers, making one appear in his hand.

"I don't want your damn fruity drinks," Bobby argued as he took a sip. His butter scowl turned into a look of shock. After that, he was quietly sipping more of his drink. That works.

"Who are we missing?" Adam asked as he stood next to you, shirtless and holding a football. You couldn't help but blush and try your best to avert your eyes.

"Charlie, Gadreel, Samandriel, Benny, Meg, Garth, and Chuck," you thought for a moment, "Yeah I'm pretty sure that's it."

"Ah okay. Well Ash and I were gonna play football, wanna join?" Adam asked, flashing a smile.

"I was going to go for a swim. I'll join later if that's okay," you smiled back.

"Yeah sure," he waved off and ran to Ash.

As you turned around, you were startled by a familiar short guy with grey hair and a beard. Metadouche. "What the hell are you doing here?!?"

"I'm sorry. He found my invitation and forced me to drag him along," Gadreel, who had also been standing next to him muttered angrily.

"And I feel hurt that you didn't invite me to begin with," Metadouche placed a hand on his chest, pretending he was actually heart broken.

"That's because no one likes you Metadouche," you muttered angrily, crossing your arms.

"Meta-what?" Metadouche narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing, I've got to go so...bye?" You shrugged and walked towards the ocean, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

"(Y/N)" Samandriel suddenly appeared right in front of you, still in his wiener hut uniform.

"Ah!" Your reflexes got the best of you and you punched him in the face.

Luckily, it didn't hurt him, however, he was startled. "What was that for?"

"Sorry, you scared me. Why are you still wearing your uniform?" You asked.

"Is this not the appropriate form of clothing for the beach?" Samandriel tilted his head in confusion.

"Not really no," you shook your head.

He frowned, "I shall return soon then to find something more suitable." With that, he disappeared. It was adorable how clueless he was sometimes.

You sighed and finally stepped into the cold water and your breaths became hitched. Nevertheless, you walked on, getting more comfortable with the water temperature as you got to the point where the water reached just above your chest.

There weren't much people at the beach,luckily, leaving you practically alone to do as you please. You splashed around, quickly getting bored.

"Heyo!" Gabriel jumped out from under, causing you to fall backwards into the water in surprise.

"What the hell Gabe?!?" You glared at him, now completely soaked in sea water.

"Let's play chicken," he smirked.

"With who?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

He pointed behind you and you whipped around to see both Charlie and Meg in the water. "You guys came!" You smiled as you swam over to hug the both of them.

"Yeah. We brought Chuck here too but he was being a little bitch and didn't want to get in the water. He's back over there panicking with Kevin," Charlie chuckled, pointing to the two figures hiding under the beach umbrella.

"Now are we playing chicken or what?" Meg asked with a smirk.

"Let's do this!" You smiled. Gabriel swooped under you, wrapping your legs around his neck. Meg did the same with Charlie.

"You two ready to lose?" Gabriel smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll go easy on you bozos," Meg winked.

Charlie lunged her arms toward you and you pushed as well, grabbing at her elbows to drag her down. You kicked slightly at the water, trying to splash the salt water in her eyes to distract her.

"Cheater!" Charlie laughed as she started to kick too.

You swung roughly to the side, trying to push her down. Luckily, it worked, but you ended up falling as well. "Nice job,"Gabriel said sarcastically as he tried to regain his balance.

"Shut up," You splashed water in his direction.

~Time Skip~

The sun had set, and you all had gathered in a circle around a fire. Everyone had finally arrived and were chatting and drinking.

"Let's play 'Never Have I Ever'"Meg had a devious smirk as she took a swig of her beer.

"Never Have I Ever?"Benny asked with an arched brow.

"Yeah basically someone says something they've never done and if someone has done it, they take a sip of their drink,"Meg explained. "Here, I'll go first. Never have I ever seen these many angels shirtless in one area."

No one took a sip except for Balthazar. You all looked at him with widened eyes. "What? With all the parties I've had, it's become a normality," Balthazar shrugged.

"Alright," Meg chuckled and looked at Castiel, "You're next unicorn."

"Okay?" Castiel thought for a moment, "Never have I ever played a drinking game."

Practically everyone took a swig of their beer except Michael and Samandriel. Not surprising. Next up was Charlie.

"Alright. Never have I ever thought a demon could be so incredibly hot," Charlie said, eyeing Meg. "Oh who am I kidding, I'm part of that list." She took a gulp of her beer, making Meg smile.

You shrugged and gulped your drink too along with Dean, Sam, and Castiel. Everyone stared at you with surprised faces. "Crowley's hot when he's not in a speedo," you shrugged again nonchalantly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Alright, you're next Gabe," Charlie smiled.

"Never have I ever seen (Y/N) nude," Gabriel smirked, taking a sip of his beer.

"What the hell?!? You're not even following the rules of the game. It's supposed to be something you haven't done. And when was this?!?" You glared at him, wanting to wipe that smug grin off his face.

To your surprise, Dean, Crowley, Castiel, and Chuck took a swig of their beers. What the hell?!?!?

"Sorry (Y/N). I'm a prophet, I just kinda see that stuff without choice," Chuck shrugged.

"A magician never tells his secrets," Crowley smirked.

You turned to Dean and Castiel, waiting to hear their most likely stupid excuse, but they just stayed quiet, averting their eyes. "Alright, game over! I think it's time we all go home now," you yelled, seething with anger.

"But this was just starting to get interesting," Lucifer grinned.

"I hate you guys," you narrowed your eyes at all of them.

"No, you love us," Garth corrected with a smile.

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