Chapter 43: Not Again!

Comenzar desde el principio

I sigh "Sorry, I just can't look at that picture right now, I can't imagine you getting hurt or even worse" I gulp

He sits down and kisses my forehead and holds me "Baby, I am fine, you are fine, and the twins are fine..I'm not going nowhere..and I know what you are thinking...Don't think that, alright"

"Alright, I won't think that..."

I stand up and go to the twins..."Hello, Little ones...Mommy missed you guys a lot today..."

Michael walks up to me and wraps his arms around me "I missed you more"

I turn around and kiss Michael's jawline..."Was skydiving fun?" I ask with sympathy

Michael chuckles "Yes, It really was...You should try it sometime"

"Maybe I will"

Then, the bell rings...Who could it be at this time of day?...Me and Michael go towards the door and I open it...Not again!!

I leave the door and go upstairs...How can Taylor knock at my door at this type of day? I know Ryan told me to forgive her but it's been really hard...

I sit on the bed and feel Ryan's touch...

"Do you know why I am here?" Ryan says

"*sighs* Because Taylor is here? And I haven't forgave her?"

Then the bedroom door flies open and I see Michael and Taylor there...Damn it, Great!!

I think everybody can see Ryan, because Taylor is close to crying and she is looking Ryan's way..And Michael has a shocked expression on his face...

"Charlotte..I'm sorry--" Taylor says

I stand up and grab her neck and push her to the wall, almost choking her "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU'RE NOT SORRY FOR WHAT YOU DID...SO SHUT THE HELL UP"

Michael and Ryan grab my arms and pull me back from really choking Taylor...

"Let me go!!" I scream from the top of my lungs, feeling the tears burn in my eyes...

Michael pushes me onto the bed and gets on top of me...


I push him off me and I sit up on the bed and point at Taylor "You may be my sister, but you're never gonna be my friend.." I say as I exit the bedroom...

I need to go somewhere else fast...I need to get things off my mind...I think I'm gonna go to Lindsay's house, she is great at giving me advice plus I could really use a shoulder to cry on...

*At Lindsay's House*

"Charlotte, Calm down...You already drunk the whole Whiskey bottle...What's going on?"

I take another shot of a Jack Daniels (Whiskey) and cry even more "She hurt me, girl...Look what she did to me...I know it was a long time ago but still, how would you feel for you to find your sister on top of your husband giving him kisses on his neck?"

"Damn, I would be hella mad at both of them..."

"Exactly!! You get my point...And look, I haven't drank like this in ever...Taylor made me like this...And look, after I gave her Raymond, she was happy and look what I get? She stabbed me in the back..."

"Look, Let me take you home...And calm down...Michael still loves you, I promise you"

"Okay, Sure" I say sarcastically

Me and Lindsay go to my house, she leaves me in my doorstep and leaves, I drank me a whole bottle of Whiskey and a Jack Daniels, and I don't feel drunk at all...

I go into my house and see Michael and Taylor sitting on the couch, in silence...I don't see Ryan anywhere...Oh well.

"Where were you? I was worried sick!!" Michael tells me...

Then Taylor gets up with a smirk and slaps Michael's ass...Okay, Woah!!

I walk to the kitchen and then I hear Michael screaming...


I act like I didn't hear a thing and go to my room...I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas and get under the covers, the alcohol is making me sick, why did I drink so much?...Because Taylor hurt me..Duh?

The bedroom door opens a little and I see Michael...The alcohol is making me high, Oh gosh...

"Can I talk to you?" Michael asks...

"What the hell do you want, huh?" I almost cry out...

I stand up in front of Michael, feeling kinda dizzy...Tomorrow I will have a huge hangover...And tomorrow I have work, Well I gotta suck it up.

"Where were you?" Michael says

"I was at Lindsay's house, I was crying and I drank a bottle of Whiskey and a Jack Daniels, that's basically it"

"Why did you drink so much?"

"Geez, I don't know...Maybe because my sister hurt me so damn bad, and my husband let her do it!!"

"I'm sorry...I really am"

"Bullshit...I think you should find somebody that you love..."

Michael chuckles "I have already found her...She's standing right in front of me...I love you, Charlotte..."

I sigh "Alright.."

"Alright? Why can't you say you love me back, huh?"

"I can't say that right now..." I say as I feel tears rolling down my cheek...

Michael wipes my tears "Don't cry, please...I love you so much."

"I can't stop...My bipolarness and the alcohol isn't working...I want to love you, I want to stop crying, but I just simply can't"

I hug Michael tight and cry into his chest "I'm sorry...I love you too..."

Please, stop crying...Stop crying...Why are you crying?..Did you have to let it all out?

Michael caresses my back "I'll tell you what, tomorrow we are gonna stay home with the kids and spend time as a family.."

"But what about our work?" I ask

"Eh?..You and the twins are more important than any work..So what do you think?"

"I'll think about it...I'm not really feeling better, I love you but I am still hella mad at you...I'm just forcing myself to talk to you, but maybe, it will be best for all of us to spend time as a family.."

"It makes me so happy hearing that you still love me"

Author's Note:

Well, Well...A lot of drama going on in this chapter, I hope you guys really like my book because I put my heart and soul into this..I will try to update soon..


Maria J. Jackson <3

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