Zee's POV Event February 14, 2025

Start from the beginning

"everything.", I said.

I am doomed. But then Nhu sat down on the floor and opened his arms to Star who had managed to free kitty plushy and was triumphantly dragging it over to mommy. Seeing the silly sight, Nhu started laughing and helped Star climb onto his lap and settled the kitty in her arms.

"I don't know why I don't just give it to her. She loves it so much. Maybe she remembers from when she was in my belly. It's just that kitty plushy is my special special plushy. We have been through hard times together. And she smells so good.", said Nhu.

Whatever the plushy smelled like was some kind of baby crack because Star couldn't get enough of kitty plushy and was pushing her face into the plushy and giving it her open-mouthed wet kisses.

"aa aa aa aa, aa aa aa aa", Star said.

"I have pretended to lose kitty. I have refused to give her kitty. I have tried substitutes. Lots and lots of substitutes. Even July tried to take one for the team and curled up with her, but she whacked him with her rattle and screamed.", Nhu said, 

We both laughed watching kitty plushy get slobbery from Star's love.

"Maybe it was never mine to begin with, and it was always hers.", Nhu said.

I sat down on the floor with them spread my legs in a V and pulled them both into my chest and we all started to nuzzle. I love my family.

"Hey Baby, want to go on a date?", I asked.


NuNew appeared to be dubious that Star would be alright without her beloved boobies, but he appeared to be eager to take the chance. NuNew also wanted an entire night with no parental responsibilities.

Making sure to give Star a big feeding before she left, he handed me a drowsy Strawberry. Nhu seemed to be a little clingy as he followed on my heels giving me instructions about what Star would need.

"Make sure Ma knows that she is going to want to cuddle during the night.", Nhu said.

"Their house is not baby-proofed, please tell them to be very careful. She is a lot faster than she looks.", Nhu said.

I looked around our home and smiled. Nobody was going to baby-proof their home like Nhu had. There was not one single corner or edge that was not covered in foam bumpers. I could not even open a cupboard, without a magnetic key that was forever getting lost.

"Hold on. Don't go yet.", Nhu said.

He ran to our bedroom and came back with the shirt he was just wearing and his nursing bra and stuffed them in the bag.

"Let her sleep with that and let her hold it when she is feeding from a bottle.", Nhu said.

Nhu gently tucked the blanket around Star who looked like a little Eskimo in her cold-weather clothes. He kissed a blissed-out Star. She had no idea what was going on, but Nhu did, and his bottom lip began to wobble. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled into the mating scar.

"She will be fine. You will be fine. It is time. Your mom raised you, didn't she? She did a great job, right? She will do a great job with Star.", I said.

"I know, I can't help it. It is so sudden, and we have never been apart.", Nhu said.

I turned him around in my arms and gently teased his mouth open with little nibbles and strokes of my tongue until he opened for me with a sigh, and I gently but thoroughly kissed him. When we were done, Nhu had his head in the crook of my neck and was nuzzling my gland. Oh, if he doesn't stop that soon, we will never make it anywhere. I gently pulled him away from my neck, so we could look at each other.

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