Journal Entry November 7, 2023

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Guess who I ran into. Coincidence, I think not! I have been living in the same place since college. Everybody knows this is MY Starbucks. God, she is still such a bitch.

She is on a break from her internship. That's right, Janis. All 105 adorable pounds of skinny beta bitch with black hair wearing Prada. No, I am not jealous! So, what if she has been to Korea and had some "work done" and looks fanfuckingtastic.

Meanwhile, I look like shit. For the past couple of days, I have had some kind of flu and have been puking my guts out. I have a mirror. I know I look like leftovers from last week. Of all the times to see her.

Then she had the nerve to talk about her Pruk Pruk and how they have hung out every day since she came back. Well, that's good to know since it has been two and a half weeks since he put his dick inside me, and I still have not heard from him. But, hey he is hanging out with Janis. I am going to pretend that I am not getting stabbed in the heart right now.

'Do you want to tag along tonight for dinner? It could be like old times.', Janis said.

'Sounds like fun, but I have plans for tonight. Maybe another time.'

Yeah, I have big plans with a B.L. series and a bottle of wine. Maybe I should call my besties, and change that to bottles of wine, and my karaoke machine.

I walked out of that Starbucks with my head held high in my Crocs, grungy hoody, and high school gym shorts. I'm a shexy bitch. Of course, I forgot to get my order, but I have my pride. I hid in my car until she left. Then I ran back inside and got my now-cold ginger tea and croissant. What? I paid for it!

I can't wait to tell James and Jelly. Oh, and I guess I am inviting them over for wine and karaoke. 

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