Zee's POV Notes for Kitten

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October 27, 2023

Hey Kitten,

I am with the project team now. The Sahara Desert is incredible. I think of you all the time and miss you. I wish you could be here with me. There are so many animals everywhere. The noise they make is insane. I don't know if I can get used to it. Maybe if you were here, it would be better.

I am not good at keeping a journal, but I will try to write you little notes. I love you.



November 1, 2023

Hey Kitten,

Today we went to our first school. The condition of the building is terrible. It is crumbling. We are going to talk to one of the clan chiefs about fixing the building before we install any electrical.

I am getting adjusted. I think about you a lot. Especially at night. There is a painful knot in my chest that will not go away. I don't think it will go away until I see you again. I miss your sweetness.



November 8, 2023

Hey Kitten,

They fixed the school building, and I started the installation of the solar. The children are so cute. You would melt in a puddle if you were here. They are so grateful for anything, even an empty water bottle is a prize.

I worry about how you are. I hate that I am not with you. I almost wish I did not have that incredible night with you because it tortures me. I long for the softness of your skin and the memory of your scent. Thinking of you fills me with a yearning I never knew I was capable of.

I hope you know I love you.



November 23, 2023


The first school is done. The entire tribe came out to see me flip the switch and for Michael to turn the spigot for water. I was a little nervous. I knew it worked. I tried it before everyone came, but I was still afraid I would flip the switch, and nothing would happen. It worked! YAY!

The children were very excited about the lights. I think they turned them on and off a hundred times. The adults were more excited by the water. There is a saying among the Tuareg, "Aman Imane" ("Water is life!"). Having water come out of a spigot must have seemed like a miracle. The Tuaregs get their water from wells.

To honor our work two men came with a lamb and slaughtered it. The entire tribe celebrated and had stewed lamb for dinner. The schoolchildren came and recited their lessons for us and a Tuareg musician played for us. It was quite an occasion.

I miss you. NuNew Imane.



November 28, 2023

Hey Kitten

I am so frustrated. They are asking for more time. I have been counting the days until I can come back to you. What do I do?

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