Journal Entry November 27, 2023

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The boys came over unannounced. I have not been interested in hanging out lately. I think I said no too many times, so they invaded. We ordered takeout for dinner, but I couldn't eat. It is my new normal. If they were not here, I would be eating saltines. It seems to be the only thing I can keep in my stomach.

Hey, carbs are food.

My mom thinks I am depressed. I tried to tell her that nausea and stomach problems are not a symptom of depression. She argued that sleeping all the time, lack of interest in doing things, and weight loss, are symptoms of depression. Mom, I am puking all the time, so I am not getting proper nutrients or sleep. This makes me tired. I am not interested in things because see above. I have lost weight because see above. I need to do is see a doctor mom, not a therapist.

I think Jelly and Mom have been talking because Nat came to me with the same theory. I relieved him of that myth. Why are you listening to my mom? This is the same woman who when I had a bump on my head, used a coin to push the bump flat. She thinks retraumatizing the injury is the solution. Can we not listen to my mom, when it comes to medical things? PLEASE!

Next was the inquisition. No symptom was taboo. I have never discussed my digestive system in this much detail with anyone. Not even a doctor. Which I still have not made an appointment with. I hear that new parents like to talk about their baby's poo every day. Well, I must be their baby.

'Input, output it's all connected.', Nat said.

OMG they are being so omega right now.

To distract them, and to save my sanity, I redirected them to karaoke. I couldn't drink at all, but the boys drank enough for all of us, and we had a giant karaoke sleepover. I sang away my sorrows and they passed out.

I am looking at them right now, and can you believe our pretty James is snoring like a tea kettle? I have recorded him because he will plump his pretty lips and flip his hair and say that he does no such thing. I can't wait until tomorrow.

On that note, I am going to bed.

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