Word count

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Word count needs to be seriously addressed for people, including writers. I understand people like details, but if you sent your story to an editor, they would make you cut a lot of unnecessary details. They will also cut your word count. Publishers don't look at chapter numbers or the amount of pages in a book. They look at word count.

Trust me, I can write up to over 100,000 words in a single book. That's when I'm including pertinent details.

I've had people ask me to check out their stories and noticed the word counts exceeds than what it should. No. Just no. That will make me stop reading.

I need to stay engaged with a story. If I become bored, I will stop reading. Yes, I do read constantly. No, I'm not looking for ideas for a book. I will stop you right there. I've had people accuse me of stealing someone's idea. Yeah, okay. I don't need to steal anyone's idea for a story. I use my personal life for ideas.

Before anyone yells copyright infringement. Ideas and titles are NOT copyrighted. Prose is copyrighted. Trust me, I've read stories that were almost identical to other stories with a few slight changes. That's a big no no. You can't take someone's story and make slight changes. You have violated copyright.

Characters are trademarked. If you use someone's character without their written permission, you violated trademark. Some authors allow it. I don't.

I don't allow fan fictions or translations on any of my stories. I spent countless hours writing these characters and stories.

Now, back to word count. If you write or plan to write, I would keep the chapters no more than 2000 words. If it's more, add another chapter. And for the love of God add spaces between paragraphs and format properly. I have quit reading books because of formatting issues. Bad formatting makes it difficult to read.

As a self publishing writer, I had to learn about formatting and word count. It's a time consuming and tedious job. But I love to write.

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