Copyright infringement

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Let me explain about copyright. When you post something and put all rights reserved, it doesn't mean it's public domain, which anyone can use without permission from the author or person. The same when you publish to Amazon and it's marked copyright.

I put a disclaimer in all my paperbacks regarding unauthorized use of my material.

Recently, I found someone use my material without my consent and publish it. Not only was this disheartening to see, but it violated my protected work. This is a big no-no.

Without the creators explicit authorization, this results in lawsuits. It includes pictures and music. You have to credit people. I learned this doing research on publishing with images. I also pay a subscription with Canva to use images and templates for covers. Canva pays the original owner for the material they upload. Do you understand the concept here?

I had to make sure, I credit sources including people who make covers for me.

When it comes to writing, most of the stories come from personal experiences, not all, but most. No, I was never an escort. I also am big on protecting my material because it takes time for me to write. I spend hours writing the rough drafts, then countless hours editing them, then re-editing. (I hate editing.)

When a writer publishes a story, they put countless hours and time into it. When someone takes it, that's telling the person that you're too lazy to create your own. Plus, it's intellectual theft. Claiming someone took your idea isn't the same as taking word for word on writing. That's called Plagiarism and is illegal.

Wattpad takes steps to prevent this from happening as does other companies. Writers need to feel safe with their writing and creativity and not worry about someone stealing it. That's why it's a serious offense.

Please do not take something that someone worked hard on and use it. It's not right and it's hurtful.

I appreciate my readers and supporters. Because of them, I'm able to write in a creative way and enjoy it. I appreciate Wattpad for giving me the opportunity to write and publish. It gave me the opportunity to bring my stories and characters to life.

Now the big question that lingers, will I still write? I can't see myself not writing. It's like air to me. I need to write and people need to read. Yes, I will still write stories, because I'm a writer.

 Yes, I will still write stories, because I'm a writer

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If you don't consider this a big deal, I would.

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