Grief and writing

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Recently, I lost my mom. Grief is a bitch and suffocates you. You have this tidal wave of emotions engulfing you, and you feel like you're drowning. You just want to breathe. That's how it felt when I found out.

I won't go into details about what happened since it's private, but it was a shock to my family and myself. I'm still dealing with the loss, and it will take time.

But there's a silver lining to our recent loss. My mom was a huge supporter of my writing. She always asked me when my next book would be coming out. She was the one that started me on my journey with writing. Because of her support, guidance, advice, and love, I will still write to honor her.

She told me that no matter what happens to follow my dreams, and that's exactly what I will do. I will honor her by keep writing. Plus, writing helps with grief. It helps to navigate through the emotions. 

Her favorite books that she read of mine were The Gray Brothers, Lucille, and Rain's Collision (Rain and Collision combined.)

On October 10th, 2021, I lost my very first best friend when she joined my dad and the angels. It's still difficult for my family and me. But I know that she's watching over my family and me.

Hold your love ones close because you never know what the future will hold.

I will return with new updates for everyone sometime next week. By the way, she was the inspiration for Maggie 😉.

Much love to everyone,

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