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Most people want to know when an update is coming or a new story will be out. The answer is simple, when I write it. Do I have any set dates or schedules for chapters or stories? That would be a big fat no.

I found schedules hinder my creativity and put undo pressure on me to update stories. Plus, there are days where I don't write.

I know some writers have days they release chapters, which works for them. It doesn't work for me. I prefer to write when I can and that's usually when I'm on the move, hence why I write mostly with my phone. Majority of my stories were written from my phone. I would say all except Memphis. A few chapters in Memphis were written using my phone.

I used to write during all my free time, but my free time became limited and I like my sleep. Plus, I didn't want to burn out.

Unlike most writers, I write several stories around the same time. Imagine several internet tabs opened at once. That's my brain all the time. Yes, I have a unique mind and thought processes.

The one thing I will always do is complete actual stories and storylines. I have 81 completed works and 3 ongoing stories. That doesn't include the one shots or this book. Do I plan on writing more and completing them? Yes, I do.

As for sequels and series, yes, they are coming but it depends on where I'm at with writing. I have no release date for any new story yet. All I can tell you is look for the updates and new story releases. Your best bet is to make sure you follow me.

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