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Over the past several days, I watched my country in turmoil. I watched the black community march for injustice and police brutality. Most of you are aware of this and I had a few people contact me regarding the events.

I wanted to address it, but in a way that was kind and thoughtful. Please bear with me.

To my readers, followers, and fellow writers,

I support the black lives matter movement. I see the frustrations and anger. I understand the fear. It's not right that a person should fear the police stopping them and what happened to Mr. Floyd was wrong. Your life matters.

You shouldn't worry about acting differently. You should have the same rights as everyone else and treated with kindness.

Please know that I stand with you. Your life matters.

I try to write diverse stories, including many types of people. It is never my intention to offend anyone hence why some books have disclaimers such as Memphis.

I have many different readers and welcome the diverse readership. We are all unique in our way and that makes us a gift.

Kindness costs nothing, which I instill in my stories for everyone include the concept of family.

Be kind always.

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