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Ah, a topic we're all familiar with stories. Fiction is what it is and information can be altered to fit the storyline. What does this mean?  It means that information does not have to be exact unlike nonfiction.

Nonfiction stories require accurate information on a subject, which means research and a lot of it. Historical events, medical conditions, and biographical information falls under this category.

A story about some random dude who falls in love with some random chick and one has a horrible life, falls under fiction. That's an example and I'm using humor, because I'm a humor writer.

While I pull from my personal life and infuse my stories, it's big and pieces. I draw from personal experience to give a human aspect to the stories. People tend to confuse who I am with my stories. Please don't do that. Just because I'm writing about it, doesn't mean I live it, big difference.

Yes, I base my characters loosely on the people in my life and I use the term loosely. I had people ask me about situations and I'm honest about it. Shocker?

When you're reading fiction, keep in mind that information will be altered based on the writer. If you berate the author for something they write in a fictional piece of work, you miss the point. It's fiction.

Most writers spend hours on a story, creating, writing, editing, and polishing a story. All stories can be changed and revised to help with the flow and characters. That's the beauty of storytelling.

Will everyone like every story a writer publishes?  Probably not. That's why there are many stories you can choose from to read. Everyone writes differently and tells a story their way. Just remember that majority of stories is fiction and never confuse the story with the writer. We write a story, it doesn't mean it's happening in our life.

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