Dysfunctional families, real life situations, and humor

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I've had people ask me what type of stories I write. I couldn't quite figure out the answer because it's not a one size fits all with me. I hate being lumped into a particular category.

All I knew was I didn't want to write about the same things that everyone else did. If I did write about them, well, I would do it my way. What better than writing about realistic families?

I'm not talking about the young ingenue meets a bunch of hot guys, moves in with them, and falls head over heels in love with them. Swoon. Yeah, okay.

Nope, I'm going to move an average girl in with a family with five boys who steal her bra and humiliates her while she retaliates with itching powder. Oh, and one brother is a king size tool lol.

Or a future mob boss falls in love with a deaf girl who curses at him while using sign language. Then you a girl with autism who lacks a filter, but her family adores her obsession with My Little Pony. Did I mention a father that watches Netflix while designing a tee shirt to deal with his teen daughter's angst?

We also have a quiet girl who isn't afraid of three most feared boys. One happens to be a certifiable idiot.

You have twisted fairytales with the characters smoking the magic stick or eating it. Take your pick.

These are a few of the series I've written. Basically, I write humor books about dysfunctional families with real life situations.

When I got back into writing, I realized no one wrote about families the parents were background characters or didn't exist. The grandparents were part of the scenery. Personally, I enjoy including the older generations with their infinite wisdom and lack of filter. They are way more interesting than people give them credit for.

What amazed me most was how the stories have helped people through difficult times in their lives. My demographics have a huge range from teens to seniors. I have all types of people reading my stories. It doesn't matter their gender, sexuality, religion, national origin, disability, or anything else. Everyone enjoys reading the stories.

Now don't get me wrong. I understand when a topic needs a little more care than most. I will always ensure they receive the sensitivity due. That's when you will see a trigger warning appear in a chapter. They appear randomly in my books. Yes, I'm a responsible person.

I will guarantee you will laugh when you read my books. Humor has been essential in my life when dealing with difficult times. My family used it when my mom battled breast cancer and became a survivor. It took me time to laugh again after losing both parents, but eventually, I did. Grief is a bitch.

Just like the Grays and Harpers became part of your life, they're my family with a slight twist. We all need a family like theirs.

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