Everyone has a story

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I tend to jot down ideas when one hits. I pay attention to my surroundings and people. I observe people's behavior while reflecting on my own life and experiences.

What I learned with my writing journey, is that everyone has a story. When people read my stories, I see the reactions from the comments. Trust me. I pay attention. I also read the words that people write. I'm a writer so I understand word usage but I understand emotions.

I have a lot of silent readers which is fine but I know the story affects them. You wonder how?  Because I'm a quiet person by nature and also a silent reader. That's why most people don't see my comments on stories. It doesn't mean the story doesn't affect me. It does but in different ways.

One thing I learned is people use humor to diffuse a difficult topic. They make jokes because something in a story made them uncomfortable. Most people would say, yeah, right. But it's true. It's considered nervousness when we deal with hard topics like mental illness, human trafficking, death, abuse, and many other difficult topics.

No one wants to face a hard truth. They want a happy ending. I get it, but sometimes, life doesn't always come with happy endings. There's not to say there isn't a rainbow after the storm. There is if you pay attention.

I write other people's stories because they can't tell their own story. I watched family members self-destruct because they didn't know how to tell their story so I tell it for them. I add humor to balance a story because I use humor to get me through difficult times in my own life. I won't bore you with the details.

If I can help people or get them to laugh, then I did my job as a writer. It's in my nature to help people.

If you come across a story that affects you, it's not intentional. I pull from own life even if it's bits and pieces. Maybe one day, I will tell my own story. Then again, I might keep that to myself and share it peppered in my stories. I guarantee I have.

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